Something is off about my chameleons poop.


New Member
He shed about a week ago and ever since then his poop has been a lot softer. I am worried he may be dehydrated or might have a parasite but the thing is he doesn't look dehydrated and he is acting normally and eating well. The first picture I am going to post is from two days ago and the last one is from today. I know the urate looks really orange but that is from the light, and those flecks on the bottom are not from the poop, my vitamins look like that when they get sprayed by my mister.



Does anyone have any recommendations?
What is her diet? The urate doesnt look the normal orange, it looks dyed peach like you fed it too many bright colored feeders.
I would get a fecal done to rule out parasites. They can act normally and have parasites until things get out of control and then they may really get sick and get lethargic and decrease eating or stop altogether. I think all chameleons at some point will have a runny poop(I think as Laurie put it "They are all entitlted to one bad poop") but if it is continual then it is something to definiitely have checked out. How do you provide water and what are you feeding him.? Sometimes excess soft bodied worms can cause a looser poop but don't think I have ever seen one that runny looking..
His diet is crickets, butter worms and phoenix worms, but the last two in small amounts. I give calcium daily with multivitamin and calcium +d twice a month. I provide his water from a mist king which he gets misted by about 4 times a day for one minute each time. Thanks for looking this over for me everyone. :)
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