Speed Gecko

LMAO! I knew someone was going to ask that. They are in the washing machine right now. That was the lightest part of my room that would make the gecko stand out.

I prefer to sleep outside on the cacti anyways...
Syn, you hid the pull string very well... :p

I love it when people are photographing or videoing and the gecko jumps on their face. .. *plop*
LOL! I only have two face jumpers, and they are both under a year old.

Who's a brit?
Every time I see this, I think of the old "Speed Racer" cartoon (not the recent movie): "Go, speed gecko! Go, speed gecko! Go, speed gecko, go-o!"
HAHA!! that was funny Syn. Never a fan of Benny Hill. But I do like that song, and it was pretty fitting in this case.

My Grand Father was a fan of the show though. But I have my suspicions that it had more to do with his name, Ben Hill.
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