Spoiled? Unnecessary? Or typical?

My humidity usually stays between 70 and 80 in the terrarium in general which is why I try to aim a more concentrated fog beam closer to the chameleon.

I’ve just never had any kind of animal where the information on how to care for them properly was so hard to find consistently. We’re told to go search for info and so much of it is conflicting. We go with the recommendations on the recommended websites and are then told that’s wrong by some folks and right by others. It just seems like someone would have a single resource that clearly gives all the pertinent info or people would lead with “I’m not sure” or “it varies so these are indications to look for to make sure your chameleon is happy with what you’re doing” instead of just “wrong! Look it up. I don’t know why people do what you’re doing “

As a person new to chameleon ownership I’m just looking for the fastest most comprehensive accurate way to take the best care of my chameleon so he’s happy and healthy instead of having my questions met with vague ambiguity and condescension.
Not intending to say this condescending, but what animals have you kept? I’d say more often than not exotic animals have more conflicting info than you will find in this community. We’re actually pretty spoiled with chameleons, they’re easy now IMO. There is no one size fits all approach, we assume that as an animal keeper you are mature and intelligent enough to make a decision based off the information we have available. It’s actually a compliment, that we expect you are competent.

My thing with the fogging is what issues were happening pre fog era that aren’t happening now? It seems like at best nothing has changed and at worst it’s adding a risky element for no other reason, but to change what wasn’t broken 🤷🏻‍♂️ . If it’s to be more natural, then we have a lot more than just fogging to change.

I’m not saying don’t fog! Just to understand it and why some people don’t use it.

This is exactly the condescension I was talking about. Rude condescending communication doesn’t help my chameleon one bit but it seems to be a consistent priority for you. Enjoy hazing from your lofty perch
You may just be taking peoples words as condescending, I’m guilty of that too. It’s easy to read things and take the wrong message from it. Also, how can people here be responsible for the care of your chameleon. From how it sounds… you’re saying because you don’t like a member you will just ignore any information and risk your animal suffering? Sure people want to help, we love animals and just want to see you successful, but you have to be the first person to care ultimately. Spiting your cham because of your pride 🤔 you’re better than that no?
Nope i found a ton of other groups without the ego… just folks CONSIDERATELY and PRECISELY sharing info to help folks take care of their babies. My chameleon is happy and healthy according to all the parameters given on a multitude of sites. My only issue is dealing with egotistical ambiguous ambiguous control freaks that want to act like they’re the sole authority on something. So far NONE of the resources I have seen recommend this group and so far most of the recommendations from this group are just a multitude of links to other sites. Not exactly an exemplary learning environment but for those who love being demeaned and informed CRYPTICALLY AND INEFFICIENTLY… enjoy this group! I’m out! Hope the egos find some happiness so they can focus on ACTUALLY HELPING PEOPLE rather than just casting judgement ambiguity and a sea of outside links to comb through. And I hope when you’re in a jam you get better treatment than you give TO HOPEFULLY INSPIRE YOU TO BE A BETTER HUMAN! Peace out
Not intending to say this condescending, but what animals have you kept? I’d say more often than not exotic animals have more conflicting info than you will find in this community. We’re actually pretty spoiled with chameleons, they’re easy now IMO. There is no one size fits all approach, we assume that as an animal keeper you are mature and intelligent enough to make a decision based off the information we have available. It’s actually a compliment, that we expect you are competent.

My thing with the fogging is what issues were happening pre fog era that aren’t happening now? It seems like at best nothing has changed and at worst it’s adding a risky element for no other reason, but to change what wasn’t broken 🤷🏻‍♂️ . If it’s to be more natural, then we have a lot more than just fogging to change.

I’m not saying don’t fog! Just to understand it and why some people don’t use it.

You may just be taking peoples words as condescending, I’m guilty of that too. It’s easy to read things and take the wrong message from it. Also, how can people here be responsible for the care of your chameleon. From how it sounds… you’re saying because you don’t like a member you will just ignore any information and risk your animal suffering? Sure people want to help, we love animals and just want to see you successful, but you have to be the first person to care ultimately. Spiting your cham because of your pride 🤔 you’re better than that no?
Nope I just found more helpful efficient and considerate info in other groups. Not worshipping egos while they give vague slow info isn’t doing a disservice to my chameleon… trying to get the basics clarified over a month of specific questions and still being giving ambiguous condescending info is the only disservice. Weird how there’s no obvious asshattedness in a bunch of other groups… unfortunately this was the first one I found… and one I’m all too happy to leave. Good luck hopefully getting the info you need one ambiguous condescending drop at a time!
I had told you as simply as possible the ‘parameters’ for night time fogging. I believe you are overthinking things. There are no more specific parameters. It is either your temps are cold enough and you can fog or your temps are not cold enough and you should not fog. It sounds as though you are looking for something that says if your temp is between x and z to fog for this time period until your humidity is at level h% and that is just not how it’s done. Maybe someday in the future as we learn more that will become a thing, but it doesn’t exist now.
I’m sorry that you find this is not the place for you, but hey, I’ve been a nurse since 1996 and have learned well that nothing is ever one size fits all and no single person ever knows everything. In my five years in the forum, @Beman not only was instrumental in saving countless chameleons, but she has also been a tremendously huge factor in bringing and maintaining the kindness, openness and compassion to the forum. What you perceive as ego is frustration at not being able to ‘get thru’ to you rather basic concepts…the same frustration that you are feeling that no one is helping you. We are trying. I gave you the link to Chameleon Academy as it is the most current and correct husbandry that there is. The gentleman who started and maintains it gets his information from experts in their fields as well as years and years of experience and trials by a multitude of the best keepers/breeders in the hobby. All is done out of love for chameleons and desire to help others give them their best lives in captivity. Anyhow, I do wish you and your chameleon the very best and hope you find a group which you are better able to communicate with.
I had told you as simply as possible the ‘parameters’ for night time fogging. I believe you are overthinking things. There are no more specific parameters. It is either your temps are cold enough and you can fog or your temps are not cold enough and you should not fog. It sounds as though you are looking for something that says if your temp is between x and z to fog for this time period until your humidity is at level h% and that is just not how it’s done. Maybe someday in the future as we learn more that will become a thing, but it doesn’t exist now.
I’m sorry that you find this is not the place for you, but hey, I’ve been a nurse since 1996 and have learned well that nothing is ever one size fits all and no single person ever knows everything. In my five years in the forum, @Beman not only was instrumental in saving countless chameleons, but she has also been a tremendously huge factor in bringing and maintaining the kindness, openness and compassion to the forum. What you perceive as ego is frustration at not being able to ‘get thru’ to you rather basic concepts…the same frustration that you are feeling that no one is helping you. We are trying. I gave you the link to Chameleon Academy as it is the most current and correct husbandry that there is. The gentleman who started and maintains it gets his information from experts in their fields as well as years and years of experience and trials by a multitude of the best keepers/breeders in the hobby. All is done out of love for chameleons and desire to help others give them their best lives in captivity. Anyhow, I do wish you and your chameleon the very best and hope you find a group which you are better able to communicate with.
I’ve appreciated your communication style as well as a couple other folks on here…
I had told you as simply as possible the ‘parameters’ for night time fogging. I believe you are overthinking things. There are no more specific parameters. It is either your temps are cold enough and you can fog or your temps are not cold enough and you should not fog. It sounds as though you are looking for something that says if your temp is between x and z to fog for this time period until your humidity is at level h% and that is just not how it’s done. Maybe someday in the future as we learn more that will become a thing, but it doesn’t exist now.
I’m sorry that you find this is not the place for you, but hey, I’ve been a nurse since 1996 and have learned well that nothing is ever one size fits all and no single person ever knows everything. In my five years in the forum, @Beman not only was instrumental in saving countless chameleons, but she has also been a tremendously huge factor in bringing and maintaining the kindness, openness and compassion to the forum. What you perceive as ego is frustration at not being able to ‘get thru’ to you rather basic concepts…the same frustration that you are feeling that no one is helping you. We are trying. I gave you the link to Chameleon Academy as it is the most current and correct husbandry that there is. The gentleman who started and maintains it gets his information from experts in their fields as well as years and years of experience and trials by a multitude of the best keepers/breeders in the hobby. All is done out of love for chameleons and desire to help others give them their best lives in captivity. Anyhow, I do wish you and your chameleon the very best and hope you find a group which you are better able to communicate with.
I have appreciated your communication style specifically, and the information you have provided. My comment was not aimed at all toward you. There have been a few people that have been very courteous and helpful… But there have been 2 very specific condescending and unhelpful people that unfortunately are very vocal. Apparently, from some of the other groups that I have received very helpful information from… Others have had similar experiences from individuals in this group as well and have left for similar reasons. It’s unfortunate that a few ego maniacs ruin it for everybody but they have done so very effectively for me and others. This experience and this frustration is very specific to two members of this group but unfortunately, they consider themselves the absolute authority that should not be questioned nor asked for clarification. If that works for y’all enjoy! Take care
Not intending to say this condescending, but what animals have you kept? I’d say more often than not exotic animals have more conflicting info than you will find in this community. We’re actually pretty spoiled with chameleons, they’re easy now IMO. There is no one size fits all approach, we assume that as an animal keeper you are mature and intelligent enough to make a decision based off the information we have available. It’s actually a compliment, that we expect you are competent.

My thing with the fogging is what issues were happening pre fog era that aren’t happening now? It seems like at best nothing has changed and at worst it’s adding a risky element for no other reason, but to change what wasn’t broken 🤷🏻‍♂️ . If it’s to be more natural, then we have a lot more than just fogging to change.

I’m not saying don’t fog! Just to understand it and why some people don’t use it.

You may just be taking peoples words as condescending, I’m guilty of that too. It’s easy to read things and take the wrong message from it. Also, how can people here be responsible for the care of your chameleon. From how it sounds… you’re saying because you don’t like a member you will just ignore any information and risk your animal suffering? Sure people want to help, we love animals and just want to see you successful, but you have to be the first person to care ultimately. Spiting your cham because of your pride 🤔 you’re better than that no?
I did not find your responses, specifically offensive or demeaning in anyway . Can’t say the same for beman… perhaps if they went by “bemean” people would be more prepared for the condescension.

Take a look at my initial question and take a look at bemean or be a man or bemans Response for the perfect example
Let's all be kind to each other. I don't think name calling has any place here. There are plenty of people who would love to help you on this forum, but name calling is childish, sorry.
Yeah true… I was just irritated with people being repeatedly rude when I was just trying to get up to speed to provide the best care I can to a rescue as quickly as possible.

I LOVE the new groups I’ve found elsewhere and the abundance of respectful and efficient communication and explanation have been delightfully refreshing and have helped more in the last few hours than what I’ve experienced here in the past month. But if everyone here is happy with how people communicate, more power to you.

Everyone just has to find their own vibe I guess! Good bye and good luck to all! No need to respond. I wont bother yall ever again!
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