I have a 3-4 month old veiled chameleon, most likely looking like a female so far. I’ve had her about a month and haven't seen her shed yet. She’s been healthy, eating well and drinking, moves around the cage and enjoys being high up and basking mostly but this morning I noticed she’s turning white around her eye. She moves the eye around can see, is acting fine but I’ve never seen this before. My other reptiles turned lighter as they were about to shed but it was much more obvious that it was shedding skin. Is that what this is or should I call the vet?
I have a 3-4 month old veiled chameleon, most likely looking like a female so far. I’ve had her about a month and haven't seen her shed yet. She’s been healthy, eating well and drinking, moves around the cage and enjoys being high up and basking mostly but this morning I noticed she’s turning white around her eye. She moves the eye around can see, is acting fine but I’ve never seen this before. My other reptiles turned lighter as they were about to shed but it was much more obvious that it was shedding skin. Is that what this is or should I call the vet?