Stella's Vet Visit

Solid Snake

Avid Member
Stella went to the vet today.:)
She rode on the bandana.

Her eyes were poofy and I believed them to be infected.

The vet was:
Coady A. Haga DVM

Animed Veterinary Hospital
Hubert, NC 28539

He was knowledgable, and seemed familiar with chameleons, but had not seen a xanth before.
I was very happy with his demeanor, and his handling of her.
He was easy to talk to, and didnt blow off anything I had to say.
Overall, I would recommend him.

He examined her eyes and looked her over well.
Asked a lot about her husbandry.
No test of any kind were done.

She weighed in at exactly 2.5oz on an empty stomach.
He said her eyes looked great.:)
He said the swelling is from edema.
She has noticable gular edema.
She was over supplemented a while back, and when I stopped supps I think I may have stopped for too long.(1.5months)
(At least on beta-carotine/vit A)
So this makes some sense.
He said up the amount of carrots and squash in my gutload, and it will go away.

All healthy all around other than the edema.
He said it was minor, and caught early.

He was sure it wasnt an infection of any kind.
Just the edema.

Everything is wonderful about her and her behavior.
Just the swollen eyes/gular area.

If any one has anything to say, on the diagnosis, or on bringing her vit A up Im all ears.
Recent pictures:

Happy Stella is al right!
Thanks for the detailed report on her and the vet, very helpful! Did you know about gular edema? I couldn't notice the edema at all! Fair play if that was you who spotted..;)
Stella's a beautiful girl. I sure hope she will be ok. The gular edema doesn't look that bad but I don't think that's what's going on with her eye. Did the vet look in her mouth? IMO that's one of the most important things for the vet to do, to make sure there's nothing going on in the mouth. Often they can have an infection there that can also affect the eyes.
Thanks Jann.
He did not look in the mouth.
I have looked in while she was eating, and didnt see anything wrong.
I think open her up and take a really close look though, thanks...
Thanks Jann.
He did not look in the mouth.
I have looked in while she was eating, and didnt see anything wrong.
I think open her up and take a really close look though, thanks...

Look way back in the back on the roof of her mouth and just everything in general.
I have looked in her mouth.
The top area seems fine, and is a light pale pink, no noticeable swelling(not that I would know for sure)
The back of her throat however looks striped with little red lines, like streaks.
Nothing seemed swollen or discolored.

If anyone has pictures of the inside of a Jacksons mouth, they would be nice to see.
Im glad there is nothing too serious wrong with her!:) As for VitA I believe you can buy it in liquid form, and just add a drop of it into her schedule once every 4 weeks. Ill see if I can get some pics of Rangos mouth, he is usually pretty calm though.
Im glad there is nothing too serious wrong with her!:) As for VitA I believe you can buy it in liquid form, and just add a drop of it into her schedule once every 4 weeks. Ill see if I can get some pics of Rangos mouth, he is usually pretty calm though.

I tried to get pics of Stella's, but my "good" camera wont hold a charge, and my "crappy" one cant focus in enough.
How I looked in was I held Donahue in front of her,
she opened right up!:p

Im not sold that its just edema.
However, she hasnt shown other signs of infection that I know of like longer basking, pointing up, stringy saliva, and mouth held open.
If there are other things I can look for let me know.

I have a Vit A in gel capsules(retinol) but Im not going to use it till I do more research, and find out more about what the heck is going on. ;/

Dont pester Rango too much!:p

Quick update because of new symptoms.

Stella seems to have shied away from water.
She is always on the dry side of the cage now, and today she has spent most of the day basking.
Her urate was quite dark today as well, and I havnt seen her drinking for a few days at least.
(Iusually do, everyday.)
I stuck her outside in a shower chamber, and after maybe 10 min. she finally started drinking and doing eye maintenance.
She stayed in it for thirty min total.
Here are more pictures of before and after the shower chamber.
The swelling seems to have gotten worse in general.





...and a video where you can see that the eye lid sweeling is starting to block her line of site.

I am really at a loss, and want to take her back to the vet so he can check for infection, but since thats the only vet I can see until the 5th of march, and he was so admant about it not being infection Im not sure if I should take her back to him.

It seems like everyone is having eye problems:(
This sucks guys, I want my baby back:(
Could it be a sinus infection? I'll look around for older threads, but I think I've seen things like that which were ultimately declared to be sinus infections.
Could it be a sinus infection? I'll look around for older threads, but I think I've seen things like that which were ultimately declared to be sinus infections.

Ive been searching the forums like crazy, and yes everything points to infection.
I told the guy she had an infection, and he didnt believe me.
I should have made him check her more, but it was the first time I had EVER been to the vet, and he seemed pretty sure about the edema.
He said it was not edema of the eye, but of the eye lid.
I have not found anything else it could be but infection:(

Thanks for your opinion, if I cant come up with anything else soon, she will be going back.:mad:
My money is on what you said :p ..His vet thinks this is a hypovitaminosis case. I wonder if any test were done to support his diagnosis?
My money is on what you said :p ..His vet thinks this is a hypovitaminosis case. I wonder if any test were done to support his diagnosis?

They were not;)

Should I go back and badger him?
Break into the office and get the appropriate meds?

I will.
No really.
Ataraxia is apparently putting together a “FAQ” on eye issues and mentions sinus infections:

Problem: Turret swollen, liquid could seep, sinus infection or obstruction.

Symptoms: Visable swollen turret/turrets

Solution: Consult a vet Asap. A sinus obstruction or infection can lead to this. The number one solution is a sensitivity test, antibiotics and infammatory. Some have witnessed the eye relieving itself of the fluid. In either event a vets help is needed in this situation.

Here’s a post Kinyongia made in response to another poster:

Re: the two bumps on his "nose" between the bony crests....infection needs to be cleaned out of areas like this persistantly and the area flushed until it stops filling up again. Just giving the chameleon medication won't clear it up. Things like this can go inside...can fill thesinus area...can even have occurred due to a sinus infection. As well they may have been causing him problems inside his mouth. Also...the swelling on the lower part of the turret is indicative of something going on.

Here’s a thread that includes a picture, discussion is on sinus infection.
Ataraxia is apparently putting together a “FAQ” on eye issues and mentions sinus infections:

Here’s a post Kinyongia made in response to another poster:

Here’s a thread that includes a picture, discussion is on sinus infection.

Yes thank you, I have looked over those all already though.:(

So, back to the vet!
The question is:

What all should I make him do while I am their exactly?
Other than check her mouth?
If he says her mouth isnt infected can I still request they test it and see?
I want to do it right this time, so if anyone has input on that Id appreciate it.
Well...I would show these threads to the vet. And yes, you can push for a test, you just have to be willing to pay for it. You can also see if there is a vet with more chameleon experience who would be willing to consult on this issue.
They were not;)

Should I go back and badger him?
Break into the office and get the appropriate meds?

I will.
No really.

I would let him know he is guessing with your chameleons life, stress on you and your money. If he does not feel qualified to handle this situation who would he recommend in the area. If he does feel competent. He needs to test the fluid causing the swelling in the turret. See what bacteria she has and prescribe appropriate medications. If he feels it is a imbalance, he needs to do some blood work.

She is your chameleon and relies on your best judgement. I think you are a great keeper and know what needs to be done :)
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