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Been a long time since I've worked with chameleons that give live birth so hopefully someone can help me out here.. I got a pair of bradypodion thamnobates back in October. The female was with a male prior to coming to me.. I've been monitoring her close she went from 5 grams when I got her to 9 grams.. I was starting to think she wasn't gravid though because it had been a while.. Well upon inspecting the cage when I got home today from work I noticed a stillborn baby who never made it out off the sac. Upon inspecting the cage I found a second one.. they appear to be fully developed.. I will include pictures.. Anyone who has had experience with bradys.. have yours usually gave birth to all of them at once? I searched the cage and didn't find any chameleons or more stillborns.. Also anyone with experience in having stillborns in most cases do all of the babies end up being stillborn or did you get some live? The female still appears a little wide so I'm hoping she is still going to drop more but not getting my hopes up.. I know when I had jacksons they dropped all the babies at once in the morning.. Any thoughts as to what could cause them to be stillborn? I have a thought myself but I want to see what everyone else says.
Thanks for your help..
Thanks for your help..