strange poop.


New Member
I've seen a thread close to wat I've had happen. But I can't find It! :( help please.
He's a seven month old male veiled. 2x2x4 cage 3 live plants lots of vines. 6500k plant light. 60w heat bulb. And 24" 5.0 (less than 2 months old). Basking temp 89-92 mid level 75-78 lower area 68-72. Plain calcium every day most feeders. D3 2wice a month multivit 2wice a month. all brands rep-cal. Gutloaded with many fresh veggies fruits squashes and some homemade dry load. crickets dubias silkies hornes and ocxasionaly supers mealies fresh veggies offered regularly. Mist 3 heavy times 3-5 min. More if its hot in my house. (Which has been.recently)
Pooped normally but also included an undigsted cricket covered in wat appeared to be blood.. next day no problems one and only time.
Hmm, personally I would take him to the vet ASAP. Try and take the stool with you to have a fecal done (can be kept in a zip loc bag in the fridge).

The danger is that he's maybe eaten something sharp or indigestible.

EDIT: On second read of your post, maybe just the fecal is necessary. If he is pooping normal now then I'd just keep a close eye on him (and get the fecal done).
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Is that an undigested locust i see? If it is that could be a bacterial infection? Or an injury from the insect, did the locust have it's big hind legs on when your chameleon ate it?
doesn't look that much like blood? i though i remember reading some where that when there is undigested food its because of not receiving the right supplements
some one correct me if im wrong
What plants are in the enclosure? Any hibiscus or other flowering ones?
Nope a dracenea a small dumbcane and pothos
Hmm, personally I would take him to the vet ASAP. Try and take the stool with you to have a fecal done (can be kept in a zip loc bag in the fridge).

The danger is that he's maybe eaten something sharp or indigestible.

EDIT: On second read of your post, maybe just the fecal is necessary. If he is pooping normal now then I'd just keep a close eye on him (and get the fecal done).
I shall take it in
if it was an adult cricket they're too hard to digest sometimes because of the wings

Excellent info. I suspected as such I don't feed full winged crix very often because there only like 17% meat already! I try to feed medium/large that freshly moulted. I will keep an eye on his next poop and take this one in. weird part is there was zero red in the poop. I'be seen threads about males flashing there hemepines and dropping some blood like substance.. I'm wondering it popping and this red business happened couincedently happened simotaniously.. (mispellings are terrible on this post i realize :( sorry!)
I'm afraid I have no experience with a male (and only 3 months with a female!).

I know blood in stool is bad: parasites, infection, internal cut, impaction. Didn't know about the hemipene blood.

The cricket doesn't look digested at all! Was the dark piece of poo good consistency? Did you break it apart?
Were the crickets gutloaded with anything pink? It's hard to tell through a monitor, but it looks more pink than blood, as Chameleoman says.
Seeing that would freak me out, but if it only happened once, and he is
pooping and acting normal for a few days, I would not worry about it.

I would examine his droppings every day.

If you do decide to take him to the vet, please let us know what he/she says.
The only experience I can relate to this is:

recently our geckos started eating the sphagnum moss in their moist hides. I noticed because one night cleaning the cage there was a pink (or very diluted red) water-like substance dried into the paper towl along with a poo with lots of moss in it.

I assumed (maybe wrongly) that the moss had irritated their digestional tract hence the red, watery liquid.

Since I new what was wrong I replaced the moss with paper towl, fed very lightly for a couple days (to allow them to heal) & now their poos are returning to normal.

If there's been no change to diet/husbandry and something out of the ordinary has happened I'd consider getting it checked out.

JMO :)

I was a bit too :eek: in my first post. Oops, sorry :)
LOL! the exact same thing happened to one of my leopard gecko's.
There were streaks of blood on the floor, and some of the moss which did
not pass in his poop was hanging out of his vent!
I had to slowly pull it out, and it was over an inch long.

This did not seem to disturb the gecko very much!! :confused:

I havent used moss in their moist hide since.
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