strange veiled question


New Member
i got my chameleon Dexter about a month ago. He was shy at first but after a week he started warming up to me. He walked out onto my hand and i let him play on the furniture but instead of exploring he climbed onto my back and laid on my butt and would not move. My boyfriend came home and tried to put his hand near him to see if he could hold him and he started to snap at him and hiss loudly (mind you my boyfriend has been here sense day one with Dexter). Then the other day my boyfriend told me that Dexter was grey when he left. Being paranoid i looked it up to make sure he wasn't sick. But i have never seen him turn grey yet. He is still very active and shows no sign of illness. It seems like he only does it when him and my boyfriend are alone. Is this normal?
Look, I'm not an expert.
I'm in the middle of nursing my first veiled too.
Before I got a cham, I was researching there colors and moods.
(If you didn't know, they change colors based on mood and temperature.)
Grey or black (I THINK) means that they are angry.
Just try to get Dexter to warm up to him.
Try to get your boyfriend to hand feed him.
Take a cricket by the leg, and keep the cricket there for a while. (He has to be patient)
Dexter will finally get hungry and if there are no crickets around, he will give in and take the cricket.
My cham was loving and friendly when I first got him but he was mad at me for some time after awhile and this is what I did ;)
Welcome to the forums
Or Gray dull skin can be a skin shed in the works.


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mylittlewholock thats what i thought it could be. it was just strange to me that even when he hisses at me and tries to bite cause i know he is angry he has never turned grey. so ill make him hand feed him tonight when we feed him dinner.

And he shows no sign of shedding ive been watching closely for that.
mylittlewholock thats what i thought it could be. it was just strange to me that even when he hisses at me and tries to bite cause i know he is angry he has never turned grey. so ill make him hand feed him tonight when we feed him dinner.

And he shows no sign of shedding ive been watching closely for that.

What time are you feeding at night? Most people say to feed in the morning/afternoon to give enough time for the chameleon to bask and digest properly.

As for the grey/dark color, my female does the same thing to me...she's not a fan of me, but is okay with males. I now only "hand" feed her, either with tongs or in a cup, but after a few weeks, she associates me with food and will come to the front of her cage whenever I walk by her..and now shows decent coloring when I'm being a creep watching her.
What time are you feeding at night? Most people say to feed in the morning/afternoon to give enough time for the chameleon to bask and digest properly.

As for the grey/dark color, my female does the same thing to me...she's not a fan of me, but is okay with males. I now only "hand" feed her, either with tongs or in a cup, but after a few weeks, she associates me with food and will come to the front of her cage whenever I walk by her..and now shows decent coloring when I'm being a creep watching her.

i have him on a 12 hour schedule because thats what they had him on before. so he is on my work schedule so he eats at 10:30/11pm and then about 11:30/12 in the morning.

For his hate for my boyfriend is slowly going away. We have him hand feeding and we leave the cage open when we are home so he can roam freely if he wants to. And he actually started to shed yesterday. I have a tropical mist for him to help with his shedding process, is there anything else you can recommend?? Cause he looks irritated and i just wanna make the process easy for him.
Could be his rape colours lol

Held my boy up to a mirror (ex was holding him), turns black, rapes ex's hand, then goes back to his happy colours when ex handed him back over to me. It was hilarious. Grunty sounds and all.
What time are you feeding at night? Most people say to feed in the morning/afternoon to give enough time for the chameleon to bask and digest properly.

As for the grey/dark color, my female does the same thing to me...she's not a fan of me, but is okay with males. I now only "hand" feed her, either with tongs or in a cup, but after a few weeks, she associates me with food and will come to the front of her cage whenever I walk by her..and now shows decent coloring when I'm being a creep watching her.

Could be his rape colours lol

Held my boy up to a mirror (ex was holding him), turns black, rapes ex's hand, then goes back to his happy colours when ex handed him back over to me. It was hilarious. Grunty sounds and all.

lol no i dont think its his rape color. he did let me and my boyfriend hand feed him for the first time tonight. that was the coolest thing ever.
i think he is more trying to protect me. cause he only does that to him but once i walk in he turns back to his bright green color. he is just a big mamas boy and i love it. =]
i have him on a 12 hour schedule because thats what they had him on before. so he is on my work schedule so he eats at 10:30/11pm and then about 11:30/12 in the morning.

That is to late to feed. As stated before they need to bask to digest.
I would feed him at your 11:30 time and skip the night feed.
i have him on a 12 hour schedule because thats what they had him on before. so he is on my work schedule so he eats at 10:30/11pm and then about 11:30/12 in the morning.

That is to late to feed. As stated before they need to bask to digest.
I would feed him at your 11:30 time and skip the night feed.

i tried to feed him the amount he eats in a day in the morning and he doesnt eat them all, and i read that it is bad to leave crickets in there cause they will bite him. ill try feeding him his second meal before i leave for work so by the time i get home he will have plenty of hours to bask.
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