String Vent? Hemipenal? Prolapse? I need to know :(


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Chameleon Info:
Male Ambilobe panther chameleon - about 8 months old I've had him for 4 months
Handling - I handle him only to feed him, clean his cage or he will crawl out when I mist him.
Feeding - I feed him crickets and meal worms sometimes, I feed him 3 times a day 4 in the morning, 5 in the afternoon and 4 at night. I gut load carrots, lettuce romaine, etc. Squash, watermelon, banana, mango, cucumber, some artificial.
Supplements - I use repashy plus every feeding and the repcal multivitamin twice a month.
Watering - I use filtered water mist 3-4 times a day and make sure he drinks plus watermelon is juicy when i hand feed that straight.
Fecal Description - droppings are brown with white urate haven't been a concern is well hydrated
History - his vent kind of looked dark red on the line of his vent like it was bleeding just a tad, a few days ago he's acting fine just like he always does

Cage Info:Cage Type - Open air repti breeze 18x20x18
Lighting - lighting reptisun uvb 18" 5.0 and reptisun 75 watt basking bulb 6 inches from nearest branch. Lights on from sun up to sun down.
Temperature -88 degrees basking any warmer he gapes, 75-80 normal cage temp bottom of cage never lower then 65 I have thermometers
Humidity - humidity gauge 70-80 I have boards to keep heat in.
Plants - schefflra umbrella plant small
Placement - cage on a table in the corner of my room I block off vents and I have a lol vine bridge to my window he likes to go to my window but i always keep them closed
Location - middle of wisconsin its been high 80s lately

Problem: Today i came home and there's something out of his vent it's kind off stringy looking and i'm wondering if its a hemi penal. ( there was also a glob of white stuff which i figured was urate but there's no poop so maybe it's semen?) what i should do i soaked him in warm water he was squirming alot i'm going to take him to the vet but first i want to know if you guys think he's serious here's a pic.


  • chameleonpeneal.jpg
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looks like a sperm plug. no biggie.

trust me, if it was a prolapse of any kind, youd know.

it would be red and alot more would be hanging out.
i have a closer pic it's the same pic just...realllllly big so if any of you want to see that and it could help please say so
Yes some people do pull it out. Usually the boy can pass it on his own.

Just try gently pulling. Don't be surprised if you see his hemepenes come out. As long as they go back in its all good
i washed my hands, sterilized a tweezers and made him sit on a towel i pulled it out gently and he's all good now :) thank you SOOOO much!!
he gave me a funny look with both of his eyes XD but i bet he appreciates it.
I wouldnt pull it, just Let him pass it - probably the next time he poops.
Or, hold him in a shallow sink of warm water to help ease it out if needs be.
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