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Chameleon Info:
Male Ambilobe panther chameleon - about 8 months old I've had him for 4 months
Handling - I handle him only to feed him, clean his cage or he will crawl out when I mist him.
Feeding - I feed him crickets and meal worms sometimes, I feed him 3 times a day 4 in the morning, 5 in the afternoon and 4 at night. I gut load carrots, lettuce romaine, etc. Squash, watermelon, banana, mango, cucumber, some artificial.
Supplements - I use repashy plus every feeding and the repcal multivitamin twice a month.
Watering - I use filtered water mist 3-4 times a day and make sure he drinks plus watermelon is juicy when i hand feed that straight.
Fecal Description - droppings are brown with white urate haven't been a concern is well hydrated
History - his vent kind of looked dark red on the line of his vent like it was bleeding just a tad, a few days ago he's acting fine just like he always does
Cage Info:Cage Type - Open air repti breeze 18x20x18
Lighting - lighting reptisun uvb 18" 5.0 and reptisun 75 watt basking bulb 6 inches from nearest branch. Lights on from sun up to sun down.
Temperature -88 degrees basking any warmer he gapes, 75-80 normal cage temp bottom of cage never lower then 65 I have thermometers
Humidity - humidity gauge 70-80 I have boards to keep heat in.
Plants - schefflra umbrella plant small
Placement - cage on a table in the corner of my room I block off vents and I have a lol vine bridge to my window he likes to go to my window but i always keep them closed
Location - middle of wisconsin its been high 80s lately
Problem: Today i came home and there's something out of his vent it's kind off stringy looking and i'm wondering if its a hemi penal. ( there was also a glob of white stuff which i figured was urate but there's no poop so maybe it's semen?) what i should do i soaked him in warm water he was squirming alot i'm going to take him to the vet but first i want to know if you guys think he's serious here's a pic.
Male Ambilobe panther chameleon - about 8 months old I've had him for 4 months
Handling - I handle him only to feed him, clean his cage or he will crawl out when I mist him.
Feeding - I feed him crickets and meal worms sometimes, I feed him 3 times a day 4 in the morning, 5 in the afternoon and 4 at night. I gut load carrots, lettuce romaine, etc. Squash, watermelon, banana, mango, cucumber, some artificial.
Supplements - I use repashy plus every feeding and the repcal multivitamin twice a month.
Watering - I use filtered water mist 3-4 times a day and make sure he drinks plus watermelon is juicy when i hand feed that straight.
Fecal Description - droppings are brown with white urate haven't been a concern is well hydrated
History - his vent kind of looked dark red on the line of his vent like it was bleeding just a tad, a few days ago he's acting fine just like he always does
Cage Info:Cage Type - Open air repti breeze 18x20x18
Lighting - lighting reptisun uvb 18" 5.0 and reptisun 75 watt basking bulb 6 inches from nearest branch. Lights on from sun up to sun down.
Temperature -88 degrees basking any warmer he gapes, 75-80 normal cage temp bottom of cage never lower then 65 I have thermometers
Humidity - humidity gauge 70-80 I have boards to keep heat in.
Plants - schefflra umbrella plant small
Placement - cage on a table in the corner of my room I block off vents and I have a lol vine bridge to my window he likes to go to my window but i always keep them closed
Location - middle of wisconsin its been high 80s lately
Problem: Today i came home and there's something out of his vent it's kind off stringy looking and i'm wondering if its a hemi penal. ( there was also a glob of white stuff which i figured was urate but there's no poop so maybe it's semen?) what i should do i soaked him in warm water he was squirming alot i'm going to take him to the vet but first i want to know if you guys think he's serious here's a pic.