Stuff in my reef tank...

Wow! Awesome reef shots! I am so jealous ;). Wish I had the time and the room for a reef! Thanks for sharing!!!:D
Do you have any fish in there? The reef alone is alive and beautiful enough, but was just wondering. Must be very relaxing to sit and look at. Is it a lot of upkeep? I have a 25 gallon fresh water which I really enjoy a lot. I love having all the lights turned off in the room with the tank lit up and watch the fish swim around. Very, very nice!
Do you have any fish in there? The reef alone is alive and beautiful enough, but was just wondering. Must be very relaxing to sit and look at. Is it a lot of upkeep? I have a 25 gallon fresh water which I really enjoy a lot. I love having all the lights turned off in the room with the tank lit up and watch the fish swim around. Very, very nice!

Hey Carol... I had a horrible "fish crash" a few months ago due to adding a sick fish I lost fish that I had owned for more than 9 years.. I hated it but have waited yore over 2 months to start adding fish back in. I had a meleagris leopard wrasse and a possum wrasse to survive the crash. Just yesterday I added the starry Blenny in the pics... I'm going to slowly start adding fish in the next several months.
The upkeep isn't a lot different than in freshwater..
It does cost considerably more to set it up but after it's established the weekly 10-15% water changers are the biggest difference. Once you decide if you want corals or just fish.. The lighting is easy.
There is just soooo much variability in saltwater....
Just gorgeous and what a hobbie.......Steve tried those a few years back and just didn't work out too seem to have it down, outstanding tank!
awesome set up! I've only just started my 38 gallon reef. Just got some blue mushrooms and trying a xenia but that's not doing too well...I've got a beautiful dark rose bubble tip anemone that I love! I'm waiting for my two black photon clowns to get interested in it...I also have a starry blennie! Don't you just love the personality on those little guys? I've also got a pair of red fire fish gobies and a pair of skunk cleaners. This hobby is definitely teaching me to be patient but it will pay off! Good job on the awesome reef! I just love having a little piece of ocean :)
Thanks Michael!!! You can do it, we have 4 aquariums, 2 cats, 2 chameleons and a red eyed tree frog... ;)

I will one day! I almost did a while back, but someone's enclosure took the spot I had in mind for my portable ocean :D. I will probably start with a small 10 gallon reef and build from there... Some day :rolleyes:.

Do you have a quarantine tank for your new additions to prevent another problem?
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