Stupid Chameleon


New Member
my chameleon either thinks its funny or is testing me but he likes to jump out of my hand or off his branch or whatever. he reaches with his front legs for something to grab and when he doesnt find anything he just drops to the ground. why the hell is he doing this?
Mine kind of does that. he sort of "supermans" then falls. Mine is blind though

lol. thats what he does. but my others never ever look where they are going so im sure the blindness is only part of it. its almost as if he saw a bird coming at him and he goes "OH NO! time to jump!"
It's not because they are stupid, its because they are afraid of you and just want to get to the nearest tree to climb away and be free
It's not because they are stupid, its because they are afraid of you and just want to get to the nearest tree to climb away and be free

but hes not afraid. hes perfectly fine with us and he will even do it while he is in his free range all by himself. and he only does it at home. whenever we go on vacation we take him with us and he wont do it until we get home
I dont know how true this is, but i read something just yesterday saying that chameleons of all sizes and ages have slight issues with depth perception - making them reach for things potentially not there at times. If this has any truth i imagine being scared and trying to get away would make that an issue.
Which actually makes sense with their eyes being able to move independently.
Any animal with its eyes positioned toward the side of the head is goin to have a weaker depth perception than animals with the eyes located near the front like cats and people. Mine does this when she is scared or when she can't reach something.
If you notice, they can only shoot at food when they have both eyes aimed at the item they are going to shoot at. One eye can't handle shooting with any accuracy, only location.
If you notice, they can only shoot at food when they have both eyes aimed at the item they are going to shoot at. One eye can't handle shooting with any accuracy, only location.

also if you watch a praying mantis eat he will move is head back and forth while staring at its prey to get better depth perception. So its not really impossible for something with one eye to have depth perception as long as its moving its eye its called motion parallax.
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