Substrate or no substrate?

I don't keep substrate in any of my panther cages, but that's only because I read not to. Not really sure why - easier to clean I guess?
no substrate, the reason for this is because if your cham shoots for food they can ingest some substrate along with it which can cause impaction. It is also easier to keep clean and substrate is a perfect breeding grounds for bacteria and molds which are not healthy for your cham.
It's easier to clean without substrate, and chameleons can ingest pieces of substrate and become sick or even die from impaction.

Edit: Mike beat me.
I own an Adult veiled and a juvenile Usambara. Doesnt it help keep the humidity up though?

I do not keep Usambara. However, I highly recommend you ask Chris Anderson. He is very knowledgeable on every species and he will tell you exactly what is best.

In my experience with Veileds, they usually are plant eaters and they also seem to eat twigs and bark off sticks. (compared to my panthers) Therefore, I keep no substrate and I cover my plants with decorative rock just to be safe. I do this with my panthers too.
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