Sudden change in behavior


New Member
Chameleon: Jackson, age about 5got him when he was about 1 year old
Handling - when cleaning generally hates being held
Feeding - Crickets 5-7 a day feed them carrots and lettuce
Supplements - repti cal without D3 and herptivite multi vitamins blue label dust calcium about once a week herptivite about once a month
Watering - Spray fake leaves in cage and he drinks of of those
Fecal Description - Black and white-normal
History - he was sick once before slept on the ground for like two days but back to normal about a year ago

Cage Info:
Mesh cage w18" by 28"h
Lighting - reptisun 5.0 UVB 100 watt heat lamp
Temperature- basking 90 middle 75-80 bottom 70 overnight 65
Humidity - 60%
Plants - all fake
In corner of room on about a 3foot shelf not near vents or fans near a window
Location - colorado
Problem ever since Friday my little buddy has been acting strange ealier that day he was acting very antsy so I took him out and let him walked around a bit he seemed happy as usual, well this was strange just based and how much he typically doesn't like it, so then it got even weirder when he wouldn't go back in he would just crawl up my arm, so eventually I just had to pick him up and set him on a branch. Everything was fine. Later I went to dinner with friends, when I came back he was practically running around his cage poking his horns I'm the walls, breathing heavy, very dark shade of green, he was going so fast (I mean for as fast as a chameleon can go) he even fell a couple times it was like he was searching for any possible way out. I take very good care of him and he lives a mellow life it usually seems like coming out of the cage makes him extremely stressed and just overall bad. He was acting like a crazy guy locked up in isolation? There were a bunch of extra crickets that he didn't eat which was also strange he usually loves eating and will eat like crazy anyways he seemed to calm down a tiny bit, then Saturday he was on the wall when I woke up and seemed to be acting normal but so I watched him for a while and he would do the following: crawl to the ground go the corners and poke his head in them then just stop and sort of just lie there with his eyes open looking around for about an hour then would crawl to the top of the cage on the mesh screen (it also seemed like he had trouble doing this ussualy he's able to go just fine) he would get the top top then go right back down, he wouldn't go on the branches or plants in his cage either just the ground and the mesh walls, and it didn't really seem like he wanted to come out because when I would reach my hand in there to see if he wanted to come out he would just sit there ignoring it, he didn't seem to be eating or drinking and he did the same thing throughout Saturday, he also seemed to be clumsier and would fall when close to the ground on the mesh wall and he just seemed to be having a hard time, then today has climbed up and down twice and got scared when I put my hand in currently he is just sitting on the floor looking around he looks healthy and isn't sleeping during the day his shade of green is a little bit darker but he doesn't seemed stressed or scared
Has anything in his cage or room he is in changed recently? Hung pictures, different color, moved things around etc? there has also been threads on here were this has happened and there was a spider in the chams cage that they hated! I would check for those also.
No everything is the same he just started acting weird I haven't changed anything and there's nothing in his cage now it doesn't really seem like he wants to get out now he's just sitting on the ground
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