Suggested topicals for fungus


New Member

I have two mellers which came from the same source and both have rather nasty fungal infections. They have both been to the vet (different herp vets for each one) and are on internal meds. One vet has me using over the counter anti jock itch meds and a vitamin c, water mix which is working OK as a topical.
I have also been using prescip Silver Sulphadiazine which has been fixing the skin lesions up rather well. I have also read hospitals have used this for preventing fungal infections in burn victims.
Has anyone used any other products or over the counter stuff? How about tree tee oil? I am afraid to use anything untested, because in all honesty they are doing OK under their current treatment, but would like to find out if there are any topical treatments at there that are well proven (without side effects or lethal results).

The following website has great info on that. If you are giving them oral meds make sure to up the hydration, it's really hard on their kidneys. I would stick with topicals and what works. My meller died due to the vet calling it a Systemic Bacterial Infection and prescribed Baytril.
Grapfruit Seed Extract has been used to treat fungal infections in melleri according to the melleri discovery website. It will also kill parasites. You would have to ask someone who has used it how to use it as I don't know if it is being used topically for the fungi, obviously it is being given orally for the parasites.
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