Suggestion to help newbies (like me)


New Member
From reading on here, I have learned that their poop should be white if they are well hydrated. I was wondering though, because mine (the chams, really) is always like white falling out of a black outer "tube"

Maybe some of the more experienced keepers could post pictures of all types of poop, from bad to good, so we know exactly what we're looking for.

Just a suggestion

The white part is the urates. If the cham is dehydrated, then it will be yellow or orange. The poop part will be poop colored. Yours sounds healthy, but I'm sure someone else will post pics for you :)
Could be a good thing to add to a caresheet or FAQ sticky. Because it's the easiest thing to let you know how well your cham is drinking.

The white part is called the urate, and is like their urine. So there will be white urates with the dark brown poop part, which is the digested food.
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