I have searched and read all I can find on the internet, but I am even more confused now. I just bought a baby panther chameleon from screameleons this week and was going on that same exact supplementation recipe. My chameleon is doing good so far in the 5 days I've had him. He is drinking and eating about 10- 12, 1/4" crickets a day. I've been gut loading with carrots, romaine, and apples. I am really confused now about the supplementation. I have been reading a lot lately on this board about not using Repcal w/D3 too much, nor the multivitamins. I have RepCal w/D3 and just bought Herpivite. If I am not supposed to use that much D3, then should I dust lightly with Repcal without D3 every feeding, and only use the Repcal w/D3 twice a month, alternating weeks? And am I only supposed to use the Hepivite 2 times a month as well? My chameleon will not be getting much natural sunlight until the summer, so I am using a 60 watt basking light and a 5.0 Reptisun UVB bulb which he sits about 4-6" underneath. I have another fixture to house another 5.0 Reptisun bulb - would 2 bulbs be better than 1, or is that too much? Any help is much appreciated!