To start with I have a 4 month old male veiled named gizmo who last night started acting weird. His foot is swelling up ! And the leg itself as well. He was a runt that I got from a friend on this forum who everyone respects. He ate this morning but didn't use the leg to sleep or to get around today. He has all the correct lighting (reptisun 5.0 UVB light and a heat lamp.) He is currently on rep-cal with no d3 every other day to every 2 days. D3 twice a month. Rep-cal heptivite every 2 weeks. He eats crickets gut loaded with collard greens most if the time and I add a couple different things like fruits and diff veggies from Sandrachameleons blogs. He is not acting lethargic but the leg thing is so concerning...I'd fill the how to ask for help but I'm on an iPhone