Thank you for this community!


Established Member
I am a new member, and I don't know who started this site or runs it, but whoever you are thank you. And thanks to the members who make it great.
I have my first chameleon coming within a month from Bruce at chameleon paradise, and these forums have been my place of Zen for the last month. Everyone here is so helpful and supportive to n00bs, and there is minimal drama that I have seen so far.

I just made the mistake of getting sucked into a political debate on Facebook, now my BP is up and my serenity is in jeopardy, so I back here now to look at Lizard porn. ( that...)
Welcome! :)
The cham forum is the perfect place to escape from politics, pandemics and all that and focus on what’s really important...chameleons! Plus, after my experiences with a couple of other lizard forums, I have to say that this one is the best.
Brad is the head honcho that you want to thank, he runs this massive engine. I really enjoy this forum as well, having been on here about 12 years. Sure, we have our debates from time to time, but typically cooler heads can prevail and the drama stops fairly quickly. Best of luck with your new little one, and kudos for doing your homework first!
I am a new member, and I don't know who started this site or runs it, but whoever you are thank you. And thanks to the members who make it great.
I have my first chameleon coming within a month from Bruce at chameleon paradise, and these forums have been my place of Zen for the last month. Everyone here is so helpful and supportive to n00bs, and there is minimal drama that I have seen so far.

I just made the mistake of getting sucked into a political debate on Facebook, now my BP is up and my serenity is in jeopardy, so I back here now to look at Lizard porn. ( that...)
Couldn't agree more! I'd be ABSOLUTELY lost without this forum.

If i hadn't found this website 2 years ago I would've had all my female veiled and my other chams in 18x18x18 cages with compact uvbs and all fake plants.
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