The advantage of planting pothos at the bottom


Chameleon Enthusiast
Inside my only enclosure, the rest are free range setups, I’ve planted one pothos at the bottom in the bioactive soil. It will take almost a year before it’s fully established and thriving, but once it does you’ll be amazed about its growth and naturalistic appearance. I can only promote this because it will not only create coverage and vines but will pure aesthetic. It will grow through your enclosure around branches and against the side walls. Difference in height from top till bottom is 60”

Currently at the bottom, really thin like usual

At one third of the enclosures height

At 2/3 all the way to the top, thumb thick vines with massive leafs. Need to trim down the leafs every few weeks.


Yes!!! This is an awesome way to make a beautiful leafy jungle in an enclosure. 😃 Just curious about what you do with your trimmings. Do you use them to start new plants or toss them? I had tried starting new plants, but those with the really thick vine didn’t fare so well, but it may have been my brown thumb.
Yes!!! This is an awesome way to make a beautiful leafy jungle in an enclosure. 😃 Just curious about what you do with your trimmings. Do you use them to start new plants or toss them? I had tried starting new plants, but those with the really thick vine didn’t fare so well, but it may have been my brown thumb.
I just dump the trims at the bottom, by time they become “fertilizer” for the soil or food for the CuC.
Love it! Is there somewhere I can see a picture of the whole enclosure? Looks great.

Something I recently learned to do with pothos of all variations is to take the vines that lose leaves over time and lay them back in the soil. Over time they sprout up new leaves out of the dirt almost like grass.
Never tried that before, that’s for the tip.
This shows the whole enclosure 👍🏻
Oh yeah I remember, I even posted on that lol. Just been awhile since I’ve seen your whole set up. How are those purple passions doing? Any other cool plants you’ve tried since?
They’re pretty steady, grow and die off a bit and back growing. Nothing really special, but I’m really enthusiastic about the Ficus Sagittata. This one grows quickly and will cover the sidewalls with green leafs flat against the wall.
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