The build starts

It literally looks like a chunk of the jungle is in your house!
Thank you! I’m still moving stuff, I’m not sure it’ll ever be 100% complete 😂

This is as of writing this reply 😂
Welcome to the world of reptiles. I think those of us who constantly want to be updating our husbandry so our animals can have the best there possibly is....your enclosure will never ever ever be done.
Believe me I know, I think my girlfriend was over the moon when I got this job as our reptile/amphibian bill dropped significantly not having to pay full price for plants 😂, only downsize is in the UK (idk where you are) a lot of garden centres have pet/fish/reptile shops attached, so the money goes in other places 😂
Looks great, you did a wonderfully job 👌🏻. And yes, we do need some time to accept and appreciate our creation 😅

Thankyou, I now have a spare large exo terra, think I may just terrascape that to stop faffing with this one and let him settle 😅😂, next project is buying the proviv cabinet for this and seeing if I can get some frogs in a tank below him 😁
Believe me I know, I think my girlfriend was over the moon when I got this job as our reptile/amphibian bill dropped significantly not having to pay full price for plants 😂, only downsize is in the UK (idk where you are) a lot of garden centres have pet/fish/reptile shops attached, so the money goes in other places 😂
Hahaha! Sounds like we would get along real well then! Thats where all my money goes too! I love the UK btw, I've been to Scotland, Ireland, Northern Ireland, England and Wales many times. Its such a beautiful part of the world! I'm located in the exotic lands of the USA ;)
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