The Chameleon Handbook - 3rd Ed.

well, looks like ill have to give am a buzz in china! :p ill have to see the pic to make sure it is the same one. shutterstock huh..?..?..

Chad-Both the pictures of Dr. Gonzo and Loza Manga that am took are on that site. Do you own the rights to the Loza picture too? There are a TON of pics of our Loza and Ryan's Gonzo on there. Here are a few links:

Here is another, although I am not sure if you own the rights to this one too:

Is this your mitsio you brought to the show?

All of these photos are registered to the same few people....there are a few pics of carpets too.

If it is indeed the same, then..
This is it...:eek:

You guys remember long time ago I made a fuss about orphan law?
And, how it may affect us?
a classic example.

I do!!! Anyone know how this website works?? How do they have to prove it is their pic, or do they check? I wonder...
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Man to even download those pictures they charge like 250 bucks a month... I would be asking for some money since they have that pic up
I have a friend who worked as entertainment lawyer (she worked for Hollywood Film Industry) whom I can ask for advise if you want.
But, basically, they no longer need to check. Based on the new law, anything floating around in the web is free game (orphaned) until proven otherwise.
The disturbing thing is they now can hold the copyright to your photographs. So, the next time you use it for your own site/ book/ magazines, you can actually loose the case in case they are suing you for liability even though you are the original photographer.

Is Ryan's and Chad's photographer ever submit his/her portfolios to this site?
If yes, then there's your answer...

If not, then they should mentioned this to him/her.
Basically, later, the government will published a website where you can register a copyright protection on yearly fee-basis. Each image has to be copyrighted. But, the website is not yet made. So, if they are indeed claiming your photographs as theirs, I believe the old copyright law still applies at least for now (but, don't quote me on this yet..)
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yea, alot of those pics are my chams from 'fivespot'. I sent an email to Am Wu to see if he sent in the pics to that site with an OK for them to use em.
I have a friend who worked as entertainment lawyer (she worked for Hollywood Film Industry) whom I can ask for advise if you want.
But, basically, they no longer need to check. Based on the new law, anything floating around in the web is free game (orphaned) until proven otherwise.
The disturbing thing is they now can hold the copyright to your photographs. So, the next time you use it for your own site/ book/ magazines, you can actually loose the case in case they are suing you for liability even though you are the original photographer.

As a working artist, I can tell you that the Orphan Works Bill has not passed yet. So if there's a copyright infringement here, it's just your typical run-of-the-mill type: someone sees photos they like on the internet and 'steals' them to use for their work or uploads to a stock photography site like Shutterstock. So you can just go after them in the normal way without fear of 'losing your copyright' or not even being able to collect damages.

Also, I'm no fan of Orphan Works and don't want it to pass, but it's not as dire as you've made it out to be. There is recourse if your works are used without permission.
I just got another copy of this book after the first didn't make it back from the SD Super Show. The first time around I missed another hybrid picture definitely worth checking out. A full-grown male Furcifer pardalis x F. oustaleti that certainly looks to be the real deal to me. The deceased F.verrucosus x F. antimena looks like the former with a rostral appendage much like the latter. Cool stuff.
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