The salt water aquarium bulbs should be replaced with a UVB Bulb found at Light your reptiles, 6% or 12% depending on your species and at least one 5000k or 6500K Full spectrum bulb for light and plants. There are a ton of variables when it comes to the "RIGHT" lighting for your Chameleon. Before you spend your hard earned money make sure you understand what environment the chameleon originates from so you can maximize your setup without buying twice.
Yes. Thank you!
Rid yourself of the actinic.
And dump the 10k too if you can afford to and do as Chameleopatrick suggests and replaces with a 6.0k- 6.5k full spectrum bulb.
It is not natural terrestrial light.
Here is the Deal:
10K Bulbs and Actinc blue bulbs are designed to SIMULATE NATURAL SUN LIGHT PASSING THROUGH 20 - 40 FEET OF SEA WATER.
Thus- it creates natural light for ocean inhabitants.
Not natural terrestrial lighting.
And traditionally in the past, most ho t5 units were sold for reef aquariums...
so they have traditionally been sold pre-loaded with salt water tank lighting.
Unless there is a species of Cham I am unfamiliar with that can live in the ocean like a marine iguana and dive down 30 feet... it might be best to avoid actinic bulbs and anything higher than a 7.5 kelvin rating. LOL
In such a large enclosure, using an Arcadia 6% HO T5... and even keeping the Repti -sun 5.0 in place ...
you would not be over uv-ing the set-up....
PROVIDED that the animal(s) have some naturally shaded areas as they would in the wild,
and an alternate basking spot with low / to no UV.
You should have 2 or 3 basking spots with something that size anyway.
I hope this helps.
And your cham is lucky to have so much room and an owner who is on Chameleon Forums educating themselves.
OH.. PS:
Forget the Mercury Vapor bulbs for now.
All that are available are less than good ones.
(side note: I ( am discontinuing all Merc Vapor for the time being.
Until a quality merc vapor bulb becomes available.
word ya' all.
There are now better things to use than those expensive, so-so , possibly dangerous MV bulbs that cost an arm and a leg and realistically only last on average 3-5 mo.
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