The Next Frontier?

Unfortunately no. I need to see research notes. This seemed like a chameleon owner warping how a chameleon responds to a situation to fit their own wanted narrative.

This depends a lot on many factors such as the species and sex of the chameleon, how quick you are able to form bonds with it, and the type of care you give it. In addition, these factors also determine what emotion your chameleon will show when it sees you.

Lacks a basic understanding of how chameleons behave.

"Usually, chameleons prefer living in the wild than becoming domesticated pets. This is because, in the wild, they feel they have a lot of control over their lives, a larger living space, natural weather conditions, zones and combats, and other fun things."

They feel like they have a lot of control over their lives? I think they prefer to live in pagodas, wearing kimonos, watching dancing geishas, not true but I know they feel that way lol. (Sorry for the sarcastic jab)

I obviously agree with certain aspects of this article. But I question the actual scientific research they did to do gather this "information"

Not to beat the dead horse today, but this seemed like another example of anthropomorphism, albeit a bit more subtle.
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