The saddest day of my chameleon keeping is today

My adult male Bradypodion transvaalense passed away. He had been dealing with an eye infection for the past 2 months, and I had been hand feeding him every other day. I took him to the vet. I had been giving him meds and keeping him hydrated. He still had a ton of strength and would still hiss and puff up at me, but I guess he just had enough. He was my favorite chameleon I have ever kept, and it has taken me back a little and I am extremely saddened by this:( I usually dont get too upset about a chameleon dying because its not a rare occurrence but this guy was special! He was so many of yours favorite, and mine too. Here is a picture tribute to him.
Word of caution for those of you who keep or want to keep Bradypodion in the future; dont keep them in glass enclosures. They will develop infections. I have spoken with many breeders and keepers of them in Europe, and not one of them keep them in glass, only SCREEN. My original female, and now male have died because of infections they both developed from keeping them in exo-terras for the first year of their lives. Please learn from my mistake.







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How sad to hear :( He looks like he had a great personality and was strong for those months when he was sick. rest in peace, little guy!
Paul, I am deeply sorry for your loss. He was such a handsome little guy. I'll be keeping you in my thoughs and prayers.
Seeing and holding that guy are the reason I now have a pair of Transvaalense. I am so sorry he is gone.
I'm so sorry for your loss! He was gorgeous! He's in cham heaven now to look after you, and I'm sure he knows how much you loved him. I lost my cham today too, so if you need to talk to anyone who's in the same boat, I'm here.
I'm so sorry.:(
Paul, he was one of the coolest chams on the forums and my heart goes out to you. So sorry for your loss. A cham like that is irreplaceable. I am glad that you have so many beautiful photos to remember him by.
so sorry for your loss :( I have always admired him and have wanted one since I first saw photos of him. RIP lil dude, my thoughts are with you both :(
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