The wait is over!!!!Pictures of my new Chameleon, Isis.


New Member
My beautiful little girl!!

Who also loves to give me looks that could kill haha!

She's precious! She is also very speedy!!!

Currently she is chillin in the corner on the screen with that you don't see me look. Aw.. Anyone have any advice as to how i could make her more comfy. I've already sprayed down the leaves for her, and i'm hoping she drank.

other then that, she has a heat lamp by her cause things are a little chilly here.


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shes very cute.

to make her comfy, jsut makes sure she has lots of foliage to hide in, and dont let her see you.
Twin 48" strips of Uva/Uvb
two Halogen basking lamps, 90 watts each, and one heat lamp for the next few hours to keep her warm while she's near the bottom
woohoo!!! shes a lil sweetheart, congrats im smilling for you, new cham day ROCK!!! :D:D

She is!!!
She's getting the princess treatment. She's living in a palace. Haha poor thing will grow up thinking she's in a huge jungle!

Shes such a cutie
Your baby is just a little darling, she looks so sweet. Now about how to make her comfy. What size it the cage? She needs several live plants. Home depot or Lowes should have them. Ficus, & umbrella, trees are good. A nice pothos is wonderful for one that size so she thinks she can hide. All the substrate on the bottom of her cage needs to go. She could ingest a piece of it when she is after a cricket or even when she is just exploring. That could cause impaction and death. A clean cage bottom is so much easier to maintain and harbors less bacteria and other issues for your sweetie. Now on lights you need to have a temp/humidity gage in the cage, digital are the most accurate. She needs a temperature gradation. The heat light at the lower part of the cage should come out NOW. With a heat light down low she has no way to escape the heat. Chameleons thermoregulate by moving from warm to cool and back to warm as they want. Her heat source should be a regular household lightbulb at the top of the cage, that allows her to go down into a cooler area. Overheating can dehydrate a baby fast and cause death. Also she needs lots of small branches to use as highways so she can move all over her cage. I know this is a lot but she is much to cute to have anything happen to her. If any of what I said doesn't make sense, just post back here or send me a pm. Big CONGRATS!!!
Your baby is just a little darling, she looks so sweet. Now about how to make her comfy. What size it the cage? She needs several live plants. Home depot or Lowes should have them. Ficus, & umbrella, trees are good. A nice pothos is wonderful for one that size so she thinks she can hide. All the substrate on the bottom of her cage needs to go. She could ingest a piece of it when she is after a cricket or even when she is just exploring. That could cause impaction and death. A clean cage bottom is so much easier to maintain and harbors less bacteria and other issues for your sweetie. Now on lights you need to have a temp/humidity gage in the cage, digital are the most accurate. She needs a temperature gradation. The heat light at the lower part of the cage should come out NOW. With a heat light down low she has no way to escape the heat. Chameleons thermoregulate by moving from warm to cool and back to warm as they want. Her heat source should be a regular household lightbulb at the top of the cage, that allows her to go down into a cooler area. Overheating can dehydrate a baby fast and cause death. Also she needs lots of small branches to use as highways so she can move all over her cage. I know this is a lot but she is much to cute to have anything happen to her. If any of what I said doesn't make sense, just post back here or send me a pm. Big CONGRATS!!!

This is her album!

And this is her cage!

Its 5' long, 6' tall, 2' wide
Heavily planted in one side with dracaena and other chameleon safe plants,
twin Uva/uvb 48" strips on top
2 90 watt basking lamps on top

1 monsoon watering system set to 2 minuets every hour.

She won't be fed inside that enclosure. she'll be fed in an exoterra hanging cage.
awesome! she looks great! It is crazy looking at the snow coming down now to think that a lil chameleon was out there in a box and now safely in her loving home! FL Chams is a great business, so it isn't surprising she was fine! I get nervous whenever I hear about shipping reptiles to New England when it is cold and sorry if i gave you a sleepless night by putting my worries onto you!
She definately is a beautiful cham the only thing i would say by seeing those pictures im not sure if anyone else has said this but definately be carefuel with the substrate on the bottom of the cage it wouldn't be to good for her if she ingested it just giving ya a heads up other then that her setup is awesome and i can definately tell shes going ot have a good home =D
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