They're Making Out!


Established Member
Shhhh! Aquillion & LiLu (Abilobe pair) are making out as I write this! I wish I didn't have to go to work! This is so amazing!

(Does cartwheel)
Cool! Live chameleon porn show, lol!:D Lets hope everything goes as planned and you get a nice sized clutch! Did you take any pics to capture the moment?:D
You know Miss Lily is a naughty girl! lol:p

I didn't get any photos because I had to run to work, but will probably try again today if the happy couple shows an interest! :eek:

Hehe!:D Oops! Sorry if I caused offense! It's just that I take photos of everything to do with Amy and the other pets, so I just presumed that others might be the same with their chams!:eek: It's nice to look back on their milestones!:p
Hehe!:D Oops! Sorry if I caused offense! It's just that I take photos of everything to do with Amy and the other pets, so I just presumed that others might be the same with their chams!:eek: It's nice to look back on their milestones!:p

No offense taken Sweetheart!lol! I just didn't have enough time to bring out my real camera before I had to leave for work! :(

agreed. pics or it didn't happen.
Well, I think I'm going to have to make you eat your words because she's now gravid and unreceptive to her mate! :)

I hope you guys aren't that way when you have real kids.... ;)
Ha ha! True that. Our human babies are all old now and the embarrassing photos we took of them are now in THEIR possession! (No chance of black-mail!) lol
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