Things have taken a turn...for the worse

Thanks everyone for the kind well wishes and advice! We have had NO eggs yet and no interest in laying! I've started the liquid cal, but am thinking it may be too late for that to be helpful for this clutch but I'll keep giving her a dose every day until she has recouped the cal she has lost. I did speak with the doc about administering oxytocin but the general consensus from him was that with this being her second clutch and with only being a year old and having calcium problems already, he really feels its best that she have the c-section/hysterectomy and then she'll be able to live a long and healthy life with no fear of this happening to her again! He said that it was obvious she was well cared for and it is just a 'bad luck' situation that this has happened. I guess what I'm worried about is the small chance I could lose her during the surgery. He told me he has lost a few during this procedure before but that the ones he lost had questionable health to begin with. He has assured me that he feels she has recovered very well from her pneumonia in August and does not fall into the 'risky' category.

I will keep updating this post, especially tomorrow as we face surgery. Again, thanks everyone!
Thanks everyone for the kind well wishes and advice! We have had NO eggs yet and no interest in laying! I've started the liquid cal, but am thinking it may be too late for that to be helpful for this clutch but I'll keep giving her a dose every day until she has recouped the cal she has lost. I did speak with the doc about administering oxytocin but the general consensus from him was that with this being her second clutch and with only being a year old and having calcium problems already, he really feels its best that she have the c-section/hysterectomy and then she'll be able to live a long and healthy life with no fear of this happening to her again! He said that it was obvious she was well cared for and it is just a 'bad luck' situation that this has happened. I guess what I'm worried about is the small chance I could lose her during the surgery. He told me he has lost a few during this procedure before but that the ones he lost had questionable health to begin with. He has assured me that he feels she has recovered very well from her pneumonia in August and does not fall into the 'risky' category.

I will keep updating this post, especially tomorrow as we face surgery. Again, thanks everyone!

I think that sounds like the best circumstances considering the situation. I wish her good luck, she sounds like a tough cookie.
Thanks so much Crocky, it appears we will be taking a trip to the vet tomorrow so we do appreciate all your positive thoughts and well wishes! :)

Jann, I forgot to mention that I did try the garbage can method as mentioned but she freaked out - kind of crunched (or hunched?) over and went black and literally wouldn't move. I couldn't stand to see her so terrified so I put her back in her cage with her usual bin after 5 hours of this behaviour! This was before she did her two bouts of digging in her regular bin, which subsequently also failed. Right now however I have her in my 'hospital' cage - a Repti-breeze (16x16x28) which literally ONLY holds her regular laying bin (her bin is a 5gal bucket from Home Depot). I have added one live, small ficus, a couple fake leafy vines and a climbing vine. I have dug a practice hole and having just peaked in on her - again no interest :mad: She's looking at me like, "hey Mom it's lights out...c'mon already!"

I am done. Too much worrying and tears on my part! She's going to the vet tomorrow which of course will cause more worrying but I can only think of the positives and believe she will pull through. The way it's going now she won't last til' Christmas!


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Sorry to hear that and she sounds tough( because of how well she has been taken care of):) and will pull through the surgery. We will keep you guys in our prayers. Let us know the out come and GOOD LUCK
Thanks so much Crocky, it appears we will be taking a trip to the vet tomorrow so we do appreciate all your positive thoughts and well wishes! :)

Jann, I forgot to mention that I did try the garbage can method as mentioned but she freaked out - kind of crunched (or hunched?) over and went black and literally wouldn't move. I couldn't stand to see her so terrified so I put her back in her cage with her usual bin after 5 hours of this behaviour! This was before she did her two bouts of digging in her regular bin, which subsequently also failed. Right now however I have her in my 'hospital' cage - a Repti-breeze (16x16x28) which literally ONLY holds her regular laying bin (her bin is a 5gal bucket from Home Depot). I have added one live, small ficus, a couple fake leafy vines and a climbing vine. I have dug a practice hole and having just peaked in on her - again no interest :mad: She's looking at me like, "hey Mom it's lights out...c'mon already!"
Here is her 'hospital cage:
View attachment 69461

I am done. Too much worrying and tears on my part! She's going to the vet tomorrow which of course will cause more worrying but I can only think of the positives and believe she will pull through. The way it's going now she won't last til' Christmas!

I'll say a special prayer for you and Isis.
Hope all went well at the vet's today! Good luck! :D

Sorry it's taken me awhile to post on here, I know some of you are wondering what is going on with Isis. We appreciate your interest and concern. :)

I took her to the vet early this morning and had a consult with my vet. He had reviewed her file and x-rays again and decided to try two doses of oxytocin. He would give her one shot after I left then if there was no action this afternoon he was to give her the second dose before he left the office tonite. He said in his experience when oxytocin is administered the animal will generally lay at night when all is quiet, the room is dark and there is no interruptions. With the lack of communication today from him - which means she didn't lay today, if there are no eggs when he arrives to the office tomorrow, he will go ahead with the surgery!

Fingers crossed we have eggs in the morning! I will try to keep everyone updated when I know what's going on!
My isis crisis!!

Eggs yet??????

I talked with my vet an hour ago and he told me that yesterday after a dose of oxy at 11am and another at 5pm, there were no eggs. He went back to his clinic at 10pm to check on Isis and with no eggs in site he gave her a third dose of oxy hoping we'd have success by this morning.

NOPE - no eggs! She is one stubborn Cham kid! :(

Isis will be having surgery in about an hour and my vet told me he will call as soon as he's done! Providing she will make it through surgery (fingers crossed - I can't lose my baby!) she will spend another night in the clinic and come home tomorrow.

I am nervous and sitting on pins n' needles. Please continue to keep Isis in your thoughts. Thanks everyone for your continued concern!

She made it!!!

Just had a call from Doc Walton and he said Isis did great through the surgery and is now sleeping comfortably in her incubator at the clinic!!! YAY!! I can breathe again! Doc told me that he took 49 eggs out of her that were waaaay past the point of needing to be laid! He said he could see why she needed the extra calcium as they were fully formed and hard(er) shelled. I get to bring her home tomorrow, so here's hoping she has a restful and easy night!

Happy is the most understated word I can think of right now and if I was a drinker I'd be pouring myself a big stiff one right now!

I want to thank everyone again for your kind words, advice and prayers during my 'Isis Crisis'. You are all awesome! :D
Just read your thread. My girl went through a similar ordeal (meaning removing eggs and hysterectomy) for a slightly different reason.
I'm really glad your gal is doing well. You will be really pleased with her appetite when she recovers:D
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