Thinking about.....


New Member
While I was at the pet store today, (not my fave, but they order crickets in bulk for me which saves me shipping charges) I saw something I hadn't seen before. While having lunch, I did some quick reading and then went and put a deposit on him. Now I need to learn all I can before the weekend when I said I'd pick him up.

So all I know is that he's a Fisher's Chameleon. Don't know about subspecies.

So I have a 18x18x36 exoterra from when I move my veiled up to a larger one. Thinking that will be fine. I'm a little confuesd on the heat issue from what I've read. I have all my reptiles in one room. Not sure what the ambient temp is but with all the heat lamps it's warmer than the rest of the house. I want a basking temp of 80 - 85? lots of plants, regular misting etc... as with my veiled

Any and all info will be very much appreciated.

Wow he is really stressed out. don't put him in a glass cage dude. I have a fischer and I think they are awesome I keep my reptile room at 70-75 degrees during the day and turn it up to 80 at night. I love those guys I think they are hardy and a joy just treat him like you would any other of your chams mine doesn't like the misting so i just place ice cubes on top of his cage and let the water drip down on a plastic plant and let him drink from it. He doesn't like the big crickets so i feed him 4-5 week olds. You might want to ask seeco he breeds these beautiful animals. I also like the fact that some have a black tounge like my guy leonardo does. you will enjoy him an 18-18-36 set up will do nicely due to the fact that these guys don't get that big. keep it green cause my little guy loves hiding in his plants.
So all I know is that he's a Fisher's Chameleon. Don't know about subspecies.

So I have a 18x18x36 exoterra from when I move my veiled up to a larger one. Thinking that will be fine. I'm a little confuesd on the heat issue from what I've read. I have all my reptiles in one room. Not sure what the ambient temp is but with all the heat lamps it's warmer than the rest of the house. I want a basking temp of 80 - 85? lots of plants, regular misting etc... as with my veiled

Any and all info will be very much appreciated.


Any fischeri will want it cooler and more humid than a veiled, especially in summer. So, if you need to cool your house with AC or heat a lot in winter that will dry the air out a lot. Be ready to fog, mist, and cool a fischeri cage more than your other herps. That cage may be too small for some fischeri as they can be very very active. Also be aware most montane cham species are sensitive to vitamin and mineral dusts. You'll want to use a lot less and be careful.
Wow he is really stressed out. don't put him in a glass cage dude. I have a fischer and I think they are awesome I keep my reptile room at 70-75 degrees during the day and turn it up to 80 at night. I love those guys I think they are hardy and a joy just treat him like you would any other of your chams mine doesn't like the misting so i just place ice cubes on top of his cage and let the water drip down on a plastic plant and let him drink from it. He doesn't like the big crickets so i feed him 4-5 week olds. You might want to ask seeco he breeds these beautiful animals. I also like the fact that some have a black tounge like my guy leonardo does. you will enjoy him an 18-18-36 set up will do nicely due to the fact that these guys don't get that big. keep it green cause my little guy loves hiding in his plants.

Just curious, why do you increase your temps at night? Isn't a drop in temp more like their natural environment??/
I live up in the northwest so I don't want to risk anything to hurt these guys also i got some babies in that room carol so i don't want to risk them getting any health problems the temp really doesn't change that much it does go down after i turn off their heat lamps cause you can really tell the difference. I did forget to turn the heat on at night once and woke up the next day to all my little guys extremely cold and moving scarely slow,also the room was freezing and i freaked out. so I don't make that mistake anymore. when the summer hits i might keep the heat off 24/7 temp room not light. cause it gets really warm up here in oregon that time of year.
Okay, just to clarify that is a photo I snapped at the pet store. I have only put a deposit on him and not brought him home yet. He will go into the 18x 18 x36 exo terra as soon as I get him. I've got a busy couple days and just don't have the time to get set up until later in the week. NO, he won't be in a glass tank when I bring him home.

So I'm confused then. Does he or does he not need a basking lamp? every where I read is something different.

When I get him home and situated I will post pics of him and his set up just to okay everything. I would say the room during the day is mid 70's and at night more liek 70 ish.

thanks again for any pointers
okay, so am I looking for basking temp of 80 - 85 ish?

If I can get everything ready I should be able to pick him up on Thurs or Fri. I know this pet store takes crappy care of their animals, he's in a glass box about 12x12x12 right now. However they are willing to throw in a bulk order of crickets for me when they do theirs which saves me a bundle. I try not to look at their animals too often cause I want to save them all.... lol... this guy caught my eye though and I love my veiled so much I can't help but want to have a different cham too
yeah thats good. fischers are a total opposite of veileds they don't act aggresive at all or mine doesn't and he walks right up on my hand when i go to take the little guy out of his cage. if you can see this is the coloring of a happy fischer!!!


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oh yeah if you decide to feed him silk or hornworms which they looooove make sure that they are no longer then an inch to an inch and a half!!!:D:D:D
Thank you. Yes I can see from that and other pics I've looked at, that the little guy I'm going to get needs to get in a propper home asap.
Thanks for your help.

Funny I keep reading how aggressive veilds are but mine is a sweetheart. Climbs right on out when I open his cage and usually sits on my shoulder or head while I'm cleaning his cage. :)
Just curious, why do you increase your temps at night? Isn't a drop in temp more like their natural environment??/

exactly what I was thinking. I live Further north than that and the temp drops to 69 at night. My animals have no trouble tolerating this temp. It doesnt make sense to raise the temp at night. Your chams should move slow in the morning as all cold blooded animals do until they warm up.
well my cham room stays pretty hot during the day due to the heat lamps on their cages and I have had the unfortunate opprotunity to go to were the chams are from around that area of the world so in my experience it don't get that cold at all at night, rarely and like i said before I have babies in that room so i don't risk it.
Everything Ive read about fischers or any species for that matter. Is they require a nighttime temp drop. I keep my pardalis basking temps at 82-84 degrees. So I would assume with Fischers being montanes they would need cooler temps than a panther. I would contact Seeco and ask him what basking and ambient temps he shoots for in his cages. And from the little bit of research Ive done on them it says a heavily planted cage. And alot of water/misting sessions daily. Your gonna prob want to go witha screen cage just because of the water drainage issues. You dont want the runoff accumulating in the bottom of the cage and making a bacterial soup of the floor of the cage. Good way to end up with an URI or skin problem down the road.
Funny I keep reading how aggressive veilds are but mine is a sweetheart. Climbs right on out when I open his cage and usually sits on my shoulder or head while I'm cleaning his cage. :)

Some veileds are nice, some aren't. My first big male was fine, but others I've had or cared for were very aggressive. They run the spectrum.
Some veileds are nice, some aren't. My first big male was fine, but others I've had or cared for were very aggressive. They run the spectrum.

Probably goes for lots of thing really. Guess I got lucky with my first veiled. Will definitely go back to that breeder though if I ever want another cham and hope the niceness runs in his blood line ;)

Seeco sounds like the one to talk to about the fisher so that I will do. Thanks everyone for your help and info. Always appreciated
Thanks Texas Panther man. that's pretty much what I've been reading re the heavily planted cage and frequent mistings. I do have a screen cage I'm getting ready. It was a step back for my veiled (now in a much bigger one) and is 18x18x36. I was thinking that would be okay since the fisher is smaller but now I'm reading how active they are and that they should have bigger. I will give Seeco a PM if he's the expert on these guys. Thanks
Hey PM received. Just to chime in on the temperature issue you can go down to 55 or lower at night assuming the heat light comes on promptly with natural sunrise. Cool night time temps will reduce dehydration. My recommendation is a 40 watt clear bulb in a regular shiny metal reflector with a solid perch about 3-4 inches under the surface of the bulb. That will give you a good gradient and avoid overheating and wasting electricity and drying the cage too quickly.
yeah thats good. fischers are a total opposite of veileds they don't act aggresive at all or mine doesn't and he walks right up on my hand when i go to take the little guy out of his cage. if you can see this is the coloring of a happy fischer!!!

He's very cute! How old?
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