thinking of getting a pgymy


New Member
Hi guys!!

I have been considering getting a pygmy. They are just so darn cute!! Anyways I know there are a few people on here that raise them So im wondering what I need to know to take proper care of one. I want to get a male So i dont have to do the whole egg thing. What the smallest/largest size enclousure they can be in as an adult. any tips would be great. Im just trying to get some knowledge of these guys before I dive into getting one
IF you were just going to get one male-an Exoterra is a great place for them to live. Research here for the way to construct the drainage/substrate and you are good to go.
thanks for the input guys. Im trying to hunt around the forum for stuff on pygmys right now. The pygmy themselves are so cheap, which is nice because that measn I can splurge on the tank!!:p
Ok So i ahve been reading around......Some people say you need more than one and some say you can have just Which is it??
I heard they can be housed in aquariums?
20 gallons are sufficient for trios:)

Keeping trios is nothing for beginners !

@Codi: About what species are we talking ? "Pygmy" could mean many different ones with different needs
Do you talk about Rieppeleon brevicaudatus :confused:
Keeping trios is nothing for beginners !

@Codi: About what species are we talking ? "Pygmy" could mean many different ones with different needs
Do you talk about Rieppeleon brevicaudatus :confused:

Good point Benny-I think we have gotten use to using Pygmy generically for Brevs when there are many other species.
That's the problem with the common names. I'm now familiar with them, but for others, non-native keepers it could be very hard to understand what "veiled" or "carpet" or "sailfin" or "crested" -chameleon means
I was thinking Rieppeleon brevicaudatus. This si what is on Flchams. I have heard here on the forums that he knos his stuff with pygmys. The ones on there are 2 weeks old. I dont know If I would ave to wait until they are older like with panthers or not.......Im thinking Ill start with the cage first and post pics here for yall to inspect.

So I have decied to get a glass exotera since they are taller than a standard fish tank for more climbing room. I was wondering if they have any ventilation, becasue I have read that they do need a screen top. Also what do yall use for soil. The wensite that I found said that most people creat their won mixture for the top soil so would anybody mind sharing theirs with me?

Ben- I know they can be difficult to care for, But I think I could handle it. I know you are not trying to rude when you say that are not for beginers!!

P.S. When are you not considered a beginner anyways!!?
Well, for substrate, I hear a lot of people use, one layer of hydro balls on the bottom, screen mesh on the second, and eco earth on the top, many different people use many different mixtures though, so I would ask some experts, If I were you, I would buy a 12 by 12 by 18 exo terra, that is good for a pair, I know you only want one, but if you do decide on another one, you wont have to upgrade the cage, you will want to heavily plant the cage with live plants, and fake, a lot of people " Bake their sticks" that they get from outside, to create highways for your chameleon to climb around, also, you will want some baked leafs on the ground with some baked rocks, just in case they do go on the ground or whatever to hide, If you do use UVB I would use a repti sun 5.0, I just want to give you as much info as possible, cant wait to see pictures of the habitat :D
You already have experience with panthers; I would say pygmies (brevs) are probably simpler, at least if you're having a single male (i.e. not breeding); the main thing you'll need to be prepared for is having a steady source of small feeders - my local pet store always has 10 day "pinheads" and small crix on hand. If you're breeding insects, or ordering by mail, you should be all right. Dubia nymphs are also good. The pygmy enclosures subforum on here walks through the cage set-up; pillbugs and springtails are recommended (more for cage cleanup than anything, but the occasional one may be munched).
I've had brevs since March and have enjoyed them. They're very cute (and very cryptic).
I want some little pyggies sooooo bad! I wish I could find some!!!:mad:

The exo-terras come with a screen top and some ventilation at the doors.:)
I still have to wait untill Feburary to get my first chameleon, :p (Panther)
And if all goes good, I should be purchasing some brevs, they are really awesome chameleons to have.
:p:porchidartist- they have some right now on flchams and they are only $30 plus shipping. whihc is kinda high for a brev from what I have rea. I wish i could find soemone here in texas that has some for sale. I suppose I need to get my enclousure first
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