Tika Our New Melleri!!!


New Member
So today we adopted the Mellers I had posted from craigslist, but unfortunately not the cage:( ::sniff::sniff:: Seriously thinking of free ranging. I am dumbfounded by how active she is. Dont know if she was cb ch or wc...she is actually very healthy looking. Her horn is kinda grey dont know how big it should be. was told they were pretty sure she is a she, by several people. what i need to know is everything that i need to do for her. If anyone is south florida has any exp with this type id love to hear from you as well. im really excited!!!!!!!!!


You're gonna need a bigger cage. ;)

A free range would be great for a melleri if you can do it just right. Summoner12 and gesang are two very knowledgeable people if you ever need the help. I doubt they would mind answering any of your questions!

Good luck!
By the size and looks of that animal (meaning it looks pretty good) I would say it could be one of Mike's CH babies-putting it at about 16-17 months old-so it has quite a bit of growing to do. If you intend to free range hopefully you have no furry lizard eating animals around. What size cage is it in in the pic?
Gorgeous animal! Congratulations. It does look captive hatched. And going by the height of the torso (admittedly subjective supposition) I would agree it could be female. Our males appear(ed) much sleeker in body style.

Do study up on MelleriDiscovery. Post again when you have specific questions.

A few Melleri specific things to look for: Be careful not to oversupplement, as Meller's are sensitive to supplementation. Watch out for gular edema. Don't overfeed her. Make her have to go to her food, don't bring her food to her. Watch her feet bottoms for signs of redness and her toes for abscesses (although with a captive hatched you shouldn't have abscess problems). Watch her lobes for signs of fungus or other issues.
Well noted. where she was there was a full grown beardie right next to her followed by a 5+" iguana in a 7" tall cage several cats 5 dogs and several large birds all in a 15 ft range of her....the temp home is 18x18x36. going to work on her new temp home later today. At the moment i let her walk around where ever. she ate 6 crix for break fast. i havent seen her drink. the lady said she got her from a warehouse petstore in deerfield beach fl. but not ben siegels or underground reptiles...she avoided finding any info about where she got her. she was told she was 7 months old still a juvenile. from what i have read i dont beleave that for a minute. besides her horn not being there and a small srea where she may have had a shed leave a malfunction in scale growth she is over all a beautiful girl. im probably wrong about the skin area i cant get a good enough pic of it. also who is a good vet to take my chams too???
it seems like she is having a tuff time finishing a shed. the top pic is of a place on her scals that are just odd. how can i help her shed without causing more harm. yesterday they were pulling her shed off of her for her i was like yikes i dont think your supose to do that.
You should actually not peel of shed skin... almost never.

You should keep misting warm showers, and longer mistings when shedding.
Good deal just making sure i wasnt not doing something right. there are several areas where the skin is still atatched and doesnt look like its coming off any time soon. Going to start introducing her to the shower tomorrow. se ehow that goes.
That odd scaling looks like she may have been burned at one point and thats what is left over, or her scar from it.
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