Time To Go


Avid Member
I had a thread in the past about what we do for our animals that may effect or even bother other house mates , husbands, wives, ect. Well I guess my cleaning superworms outside in the yard was my last straw. I was told its time for me and the lizards to go. Lizards get a bad rep and bugs even worse. In america its normal to have a little yapping dog piss n shit all over mats and litter boxes througout home yet my lizards are considered unsanitary health hazard:roll eyes:..... Angry morning that should be happy and full of sun.:cool:
You were told to leave?? cause of your reptiles. That sux. I totally get your frustration, some people are just closed minded.
Sorry to hear that, Jack. That is ridiculous...

I have been arguing with my home owner association myself... they allows all kinds of dogs in the building, even roaming free in public spaces, but bans any kind of reptile, ferrets and ever rabbits as "dangerous". I guess they don't realize that dogs are the single species responsible for the majority (50+%) of lethal attacks on children and the elderly....

Ignorant people should not be allowed to write and approve rules that are so blatantly stupid....
You were told to leave?? cause of your reptiles. That sux. I totally get your frustration, some people are just closed minded.

I feel your pain my fiance hates em. Not them in particular she actually picked out my cham (i kept there care requirements a secret) but I get constant nagging about how my animals took over her scrapbooking room. but she wont let me set em up outside of the one room.. I in serious trouble with every cricket she finds loose. Is that water ruining my walls? Is that a fire hazard :( its none stop ya just gotta fight the good fight!
But of course our yappy dogs that go out and roll in HER chickens shit and brings it in the house on furniture and everywhere is fine
Many of us with significant others go through hardships because of our hobby.=

I hope if you are wanting to keep her in your life you guys find a solution to her issues. If not well then you will have the freedom to do as you please with only your boundaries.

Good luck man.
Luckily my boyfriend likes lizards. I feel for you though. My mother always wanted to get rid of my guinea pigs. They are too darn cute to get rid of!
My husband tolerates my chams. He was willing to pay $1000 for me to get a pair of the imports coming in (he still doesn't know about # 3 coming:eek: ) but his opinion is they make me happy and stressed in almost equal amounts. And he resents the amount of time I spend on them and their feeders. But he knows if they ever leave it will because I am gone. He was less than happy as I got more and more, but with his expensive hobbies me couldn't say a lot.:D
Where ever I move my neighbors will probably think Im nuts and have a slight heart attack. while Im moving in 20 or so exo terras several large small medium screen cages, multiple salt water tanks, and like 40 plants and trees of all sorts. Once Im in though you'd never know we were all there expect for the few chameleons that like to go outside and the occasional cage cleanings outside.
I'm sorry you're having to move out, that's really unfair. I'm glad that I haven't faced any problems with my chameleons yet, with my landlords or boyfriends, since I started keeping them a few years ago. But I'm sure you'll find something better and find someone that can at the very minimum accept the reptiles and even better if they can love them too.
So sorry that you are going through this and have to move out (and I hate to think of the logistics involved moving all your pets!) Perhaps this is a good first date test, "I keep reptiles and their food - would that be a deal breaker for you?" :D

Thankfully my husband is very supportive of my hobby as long as I keep the feeders contained. His theory is that I can get anything I want as long as it eats something we already raise :rolleyes:

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