New Member
Im outta my league here, Ill be the first to admit it.
My 14 yr old daughter is a less than proud keeper of a juvenile mack snow leopard gecko she aptly named Testosterone after he bit her finger while she was changing out his water dish
He lives in a 20g acrylic tank with a red bulb, a day bulb and an 18" linear uvb.
He eats a varied diet of gut loaded crickets, superworms, dubias and phoenix worms.
Eats and drinks normally and as far as I can tell, is completely physically healthy.
He's just like my ex husband though, SO MEAN AND ANGRY!
If he makes eye contact with any of us when hes in his hide, he'll come charging out, war ready. If your fingers, hands, your reflection are close enough to him, ya better move fast or youre getting bit. We've had him for 3 months now and hes been aggressive since day 1.
My veiled chameleon is farrrrr more approachable than Testosterone and that seems crazy to me.
Any veteran leo owners out there that can offer me any pointers on.......settling him down?
We dont throw away pets in my household. My daughter has accepted the fact that her lizard who may live for the next 20 yrs is a homicidal maniac but shes understandably bummed about it.
I really thought leopard geckos were just easy going by nature. This one isnt, I was wrong.
I figured since I can raise a pretty laid back well adjusted veiled chameleon, helping my kid with her freaking leopard gecko would be easy.
Sike. Wrong again!
This thing makes me skiddish even lifting the lid to the tank to drop in food. Cleaning the tank is nothing to look forward to either.
Hes just so ANGRY.
Attached is a picture of Testosterone giving up on life as we were cleaning his tank. Its a vibe I can relate to.
My 14 yr old daughter is a less than proud keeper of a juvenile mack snow leopard gecko she aptly named Testosterone after he bit her finger while she was changing out his water dish

He lives in a 20g acrylic tank with a red bulb, a day bulb and an 18" linear uvb.
He eats a varied diet of gut loaded crickets, superworms, dubias and phoenix worms.
Eats and drinks normally and as far as I can tell, is completely physically healthy.
He's just like my ex husband though, SO MEAN AND ANGRY!
If he makes eye contact with any of us when hes in his hide, he'll come charging out, war ready. If your fingers, hands, your reflection are close enough to him, ya better move fast or youre getting bit. We've had him for 3 months now and hes been aggressive since day 1.
My veiled chameleon is farrrrr more approachable than Testosterone and that seems crazy to me.
Any veteran leo owners out there that can offer me any pointers on.......settling him down?
We dont throw away pets in my household. My daughter has accepted the fact that her lizard who may live for the next 20 yrs is a homicidal maniac but shes understandably bummed about it.
I really thought leopard geckos were just easy going by nature. This one isnt, I was wrong.
I figured since I can raise a pretty laid back well adjusted veiled chameleon, helping my kid with her freaking leopard gecko would be easy.
Sike. Wrong again!
This thing makes me skiddish even lifting the lid to the tank to drop in food. Cleaning the tank is nothing to look forward to either.
Hes just so ANGRY.
Attached is a picture of Testosterone giving up on life as we were cleaning his tank. Its a vibe I can relate to.