Tips on Hand Feeding


I would like my panther to begin hand feeding with me, as he is 5 months old. sometimes he will eat it when the cricket is half in my hand and half on the branch. Otherwise he wont eat out of my hand. He eats out of his cup. Any i deas to get him hand feeding?
try and start out with a waxworm (once every blue moon) and their like candy to em, if he cant resist then grab him with your fingers and try and make the waxworm/cricket move more (like use your fingers to wiggle him around a bit) and he should go for it. i never had any troubles with hand feeding my veiled he just wasnt so sure about it at first
Prepare to be patient, and for your arm to fall asleep ;)

It took some time for mine to eat from my hand, but she will. Sometimes she's just not in the mood tho. I have to hold really still and wait. @EveryGreen is right, find a feeder that he LOVES and only give him those treats by hand. Good luck :)
I've started hand feeding my cham from the day i got him, at about 4m. Although it sometimes take awhile for him to go for it. I try in the morning half an hour after lights go on, and if he doesn't take the cricket ill come back and try again in 15 mins. (He will sometimes make me follow him around his cage, to find a more appropriate spot for him to eat.) I also try and bait him with some cricket or worms onto my hand so he gets use to climbing on me for treats.
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