to much calcium?


New Member
im giving liquid calcium to my male ambilobe until he goes to the vet tommorow fo a possible case of mbd. is it possible to give him to much calcium?
You need to make a difference betwen calcium given orally in an healthy chameleon, calcium given by injections and D 3 supplementation.

You can't overfeed a chameleon with calcium supplements given orally as long as the chameleon gets a good supplementation of Vit. D3 and UVB lightning. The calcium is absorbed by gut - if the chameleon doesn't need more calcium, gut will not absorb anymore and calcium will leave the chameleon's body via feces.

By injections, you can give a chameleon easily too much calcium and create a hypercalcinosis. And you can overdose vitamine D3 given orally, of cause, which may result in a hypervitaminosis. Hypervitaminosis D stimulates higher calcium absorbtion of the gut -> only in this case orally given calcium may lead to hypercalcinosis, too.
You need to make a difference betwen calcium given orally in an healthy chameleon, calcium given by injections and D 3 supplementation.

You can't overfeed a chameleon with calcium supplements given orally as long as the chameleon gets a good supplementation of Vit. D3 and UVB lightning. The calcium is absorbed by gut - if the chameleon doesn't need more calcium, gut will not absorb anymore and calcium will leave the chameleon's body via feces.

By injections, you can give a chameleon easily too much calcium and create a hypercalcinosis. And you can overdose vitamine D3 given orally, of cause, which may result in a hypervitaminosis. Hypervitaminosis D stimulates higher calcium absorbtion of the gut -> only in this case orally given calcium may lead to hypercalcinosis, too.

One thing I have wanted to know about feeding is when you dust your feeders... is it necessary to dust with calcium D3 if you are taking your cham out everyday in the sunlight or can I just get away with doing regular calcium dusting everyday then maybe like 1 multivitamin dusting a week?
If your cham is going to be living outside all day. or is exposed to natural sun all day, (not through glass, as UVB doesnt pass through glass/plastic) then you do not have to give d3, provided you also gutload properly.

I use the repashy and prefer it to other stuff. but thats just me.
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