Tommy Showing His Yellows!

Miss Lily

Chameleon Enthusiast
Took Tommy into the garden today! He showed me some fantastic yellows that I hadn't seen before! Normally the yellow around his snout/mouth area is brown/rust.

Such a handsome boy! :D

Hating the tree moving in the breeze, lol! :rolleyes:

Just being the gorgeous Tommy that I love so much! :D
Tiff Tommy need his own tree outside - just a small ficus or hibiscus, he is too cute on the ground but he needs to be up in the air as befitting a man like him.:D:D:D He is just such a sweetheart.
Tommy is still doing you proud :D

Totally agree, get him a grown on little tree, Peant is doing well on her fig but i can see that she wishes it would grow already!! hehe
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