Tongue Stuck Out of Mouth


New Member
This just happened about ten mintues ago, we have about 20 chams and I've never seen this. My panther Klaus was trying to eat a goliath worm, and he missed the target. His tongue smacked against the bottom of the cage and he was unable to retract it. He was laying on the bottom of the cage a little, trying to reswallow his tongue but couldn't; then he moved up a branch and it was all tangled. I helped him move higher and you can see where his tongue is now. I'm leaving him alone and hoping he swallows it but I'm still freaking out. Is he going to be ok? The tiny part that was still in his mouth looked really red and painful. Help please.

Chameleon Info:
He's a Panther, Nosy Be, and we've had him for a little less than a year.
Klaus never comes out of the cage, he dislikes people.
Feeding: Crickets, Super Worms, Goliaths, Beetles, other worms.
Water: On an automatic mist system and gets a dripping water cup every day.


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I'm nervous about moving him. He's one of our most feisty chameleons and he's always snapping even when you just walk by the cage. I'm worried he's going to bite his tongue off if I try to move him.
He's been trying for about an hour now to get the tongue back in his mouth. I've tried using tongs to help him but he's too nervous, they just make him back away. He almost had it back in but it became stuck on the branch and then he dropped it all out again. Please help me..
Unfortuantly, if he cant get it in his mouth, its vet time.
And even if he does bite it off, he can still survive.
there are few tongueless chams on this forum that are big and healthy. sans tongue of course.
A vet visit is definitely in order if he cant retract it on his own, in the meantime I'd make sure it doesnt dry out, I feel like that would just make matters worse. Sounds like maybe he pulled a muscle, so once its back in I wouldn't be surprised if hes too sore to eat for a little bit while it heals? Just my 2 cents
To take him in, put him in a plastic box if you have one with moist paper towel on the bottom, to keep the tongue moist, and mist it if need be.

But with the help of a vet and perhaps anti-inflammatory medicine, the tongue may be saved. I had one chameleon lose her tongue due to amputation following an accident and she never did really adapt. But others on here have certainly adapted to eating without a tongue and do really well, so there is definitely hope.
To take him in, put him in a plastic box if you have one with moist paper towel on the bottom, to keep the tongue moist, and mist it if need be.

But with the help of a vet and perhaps anti-inflammatory medicine, the tongue may be saved. I had one chameleon lose her tongue due to amputation following an accident and she never did really adapt. But others on here have certainly adapted to eating without a tongue and do really well, so there is definitely hope.

I'm gonna second that but say WET paper towel.
Thank You guys. I have him in a box, wet towel in the bottom, and he's going to see the vet tomorrow; first appointment I could get :-/ . I'll keep you posted on his progress. <3 thanks again
To take him in, put him in a plastic box if you have one with moist paper towel on the bottom, to keep the tongue moist, and mist it if need be. .

agree. I'd use a dark box in the hopes the chameleon will sleep and hopefuly avoid additional tongue injury. keep tongue moist. get to vet immediately.
If the tongue dries out it will have to be amputated. If he can't retract it, it will have to be amputated because he won't be able to eat with his tongue between his teeth.
Good luck!
Well I managed to get an emergency appointment with the vet. He stopped trying to get the tongue in by himself, but I can no longer see the hard bone sticking out (which looked all red before :( ) so I guess that's an improvement. The vet said they were going to sedate him, try to put his tongue back in and if they could, they were going to put a small stitch in it. He's staying there overnight. I'll keep updating.

Here's a picture of him all handsome and healthy. Poor baby.


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I hope they dont have to amputate the tongue. But just know, if they do, its not the end of the world.
he can live, you will just have to teach him how to eat like a normal lizard does, by grabbing it with his mouth, instead of his tongue.
Good luck!
so klaus is home but without his tongue. :( ... i allready hand feed my chams but how will he drink without a tongue?

So they had to amputate?
Im really sorry.
I dont know how he will drink, someoen else with a tongueless cham can help. try doing a search on here for it.
most of my chameleons dont use their tongues much to drink much of the time.
With a dripper hose hanging into the cage, they can just rest their mouth on /under the hose.
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