Too Many Crickets?


New Member
I just got my chameleon a few days ago and am very new to this whole process. Me and my mom struggle to put the right amount of crickets in his cage, usually putting way too many! I know he eats them at his own pace but should I be worried about all the crickets in his cage all at once?
How many are in his cage? At night is when the crickets are active and the chameleon is not, and roaming crickets have been known to nibble on sleeping chameleons.
How many are in his cage? At night is when the crickets are active and the chameleon is not, and roaming crickets have been known to nibble on sleeping chameleons.
I don't know how many exactly but I would guess around 25 or something. I get kinda jittery around crickets so sometimes I freak out when putting them in and accidentally shake too many into his cage.
Put a jar lid of chopped up veggies like dandelion leaves, collards, endive, escarole, kale, sweet red pepper sweet potato, squash, zucchini, etc in the cage for the crickets to eat if you can't get them all out...but I'd try to get most of them out.
Put a jar lid of chopped up veggies like dandelion leaves, collards, endive, escarole, kale, sweet red pepper sweet potato, squash, zucchini, etc in the cage for the crickets to eat if you can't get them all out...but I'd try to get most of them out.
Thank you and how big should the lid be and is it safe for my chameleon to eat that stuff too?
Put a jar lid of chopped up veggies like dandelion leaves, collards, endive, escarole, kale, sweet red pepper sweet potato, squash, zucchini, etc in the cage for the crickets to eat if you can't get them all out...but I'd try to get most of them out.
Also how would you get the crickets out?
The lid can be any size. I usually use a peanut butter jar lid.

To get the crickets out try putting a couple of the cardboard rolls out if toilet paper or crushed up paper on the floor of the cage. The crickets should hide inside and you can lift them out and put them in the container you keep the crickets in.
The lid can be any size. I usually use a peanut butter jar lid.

To get the crickets out try putting a couple of the cardboard rolls out if toilet paper or crushed up paper on the floor of the cage. The crickets should hide inside and you can lift them out and put them in the container you keep the crickets in.
That's so smart thank you so much!
Also, if the crickets are small enough, you could spring for a mealworm dish as well. They have inverted sides so that small insects (such as mealworms and small crickets) can't escape. It will probably do the same thing as a peanut butter jar lid, though.
You could also check this product out which is provided by a site sponsor:

Or, you could make one. Here is a good video to give you an idea.
In the video, he used cardboard for the crickets to climb on but you can also use mesh or something similar.
Good luck! :)
You can always use that idea for later, since it is kind of a project. I have yet to do it myself but I am definitely planning on it. Hopefully that gave you an idea.
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