

New Member

found this on kingsnake... Did anyone ever see this before? what is this thing, a 4000$ genetic defect?

I have never seen anything like that. Looks like something genetic went horribly wrong.
I really can't believe that they are charging $4,000 for this so called rarity -- it is most likely a genetic defect, and not one that I would want to encourage, breed for, or be proud of ... a lot of genetic defects come in groups, and I wouldn't be surprised if this/these little guys have more wrong with them than translucent skin. There seems to be no sort of "advantage" to this trait for the chameleon, making it detrimental rather than helpful.
It is kinda cool to see a picture of though.
There is a discussion about these sad looking chameleons on another forum. Chris Anderson provided links to more pictures...
The link to pictures of the offspring:
Pictures of the adults:

Hopefully, this mutation is not imported into the United States. The potential for harm to the captive bred veiled population is enormous. Personally, I think the poor things look like they have mange.


Hi all

Im totally in agreement here i think its sad & sick, i know chamgirl sent a e-mail to those concerned but not sure if she recieved a reply

Neil is right, I did send the breeder an e-mail telling him how unimpressed I was:mad:
I have copied and pasted his entire reply:-

When this is unethical then you have to go first to your breeders in USA to
accuse the breeders of the colormorphs!
----- Original Message -----

My fiancee also sent him an e-mail after I did but he recieved no reply.
I agree with everyone here. The response to Chamgirl's email is no surprise; it is the typical response I would expect from someone trying to market a genetic defect like this. I think this a good reminder of how important it is to try and find a respectable breeder that shares your ethical views when purchasing a chameleon.

Tell ya what.. I wouldn't waste my time with single digit offers. There is no way he can claim that UV doesn't affect those chameleons differently, because to the best of my knowledge, the oldest one with this genetic DEFECT is only a couple years old. I seriously hope and pray this does not become an "in" thing.

There were actually some good sized ones at Daytona, probably 6-7 month range, and some were showing quite a bit more white that the pics in the recent ad.... They were starting at less that $1,000 for the ones with a hand or a leg, up to $1,500. They had one male in particular that was pretty heavily white, with most of his head and several limbs having that clear tone.
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They were the strangest looking veileds I have ever seen. Like Tyler said, they also had larger males at the show which had some nice colorations in their normal skin areas, however, I stood there staring at these reptiles and wondered how in the world they were able to get an entire breeding stock (which was claimed to be a proven breeding morph) of multiple clutches. All were different in their translucent locations around the bodies. Mass interbreeding over and over again? Lab playing with genetics? And Heika is right... I am sure lighting will effect them differently in many ways. The translucent areas are a very thin layer of skin in which one can even see their veins.

Some of them, the larger especially, were not particularly ugly at all - some even beautiful. But the strangeness of their lack of scales in various areas gave me cause for worry for them, especially in health and care.

Strange stuff...
My brother in law bought a gecko with what looks to be a similiar problem. It was dead before six months of age.

Just noticed this post and read some of the replys.This is not a genetic defect and this trait is 100% dominant.These are f3 from generations alike it.UV does not effect them in any way the breeders use UV on them they are just like a normaly chameleons just different colors.They are breed fequently in Europe with no problems.If you dont like them thats your opinion.
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