Twins - can you mark babies for ID purposes?

I had a thread earlier this year about twin Veileds. There were two in the egg in any case. I did keep track of them. They grew up healthy and did not come out identical at all. Both were males and their markings were different. I stopped keeping track of them once I figured that out for sure. So I'm not sure I would call them twins now even though they came from the same egg. Here is that thread:

They'd still be twins, just fraternal twins :)
I wrote in a different thread that when I have a baby who isn't waking up I run some warm water over them in my hand (don't drown them) and them give them a gentle rub with my finger. For some reason it really helps to jump start the ones that wouldn't ordinarily make it.
Non toxic nail polish


For the first time, I have twins (two babies out of one shell). I'm wondering if there is a way to safely mark them (perhaps with a dot on the tail from a permanent felt pen), so that I can ID them amongst their sibling group?

Im interested to see if they end up being identical or not. These are cross breeds (NosyBexAmbilobe) so there's a good chance all the babies will look quite different from one another, except perhaps these two.

For now they are in a separate container, and I suppose I could go to the trouble of setting up a fully separate enclosure for them. But Id rather not, due to limited space.

If there is a safe way, something that definately will not harm the hatchling or be permanent, but is obvious and foolproof, it could be useful in other ways. I seem to have two rather large pure NosyBe's and one very large fast growing cross. I know I will be removing these ones from their peer group sooner than later. Again, for space purposes, it might be helpful to put all three biggies in one enclosure, for awhile, until they each have to be totally alone. But of course I dont want to mix up the pure NosyBe with the cross. Im going to get double the sell price for the pures. I must be certain of what is what! hm. Maybe best just to stick to the original plan of total separation of the groups.

I have been using non toxic nail polish on baby's for years with no problems.
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Sorrry for the loss. But if you had to lose them I know I'd rather see them go quick at the outset rather than live a life of constant med probs and vet visits.
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