Two chams, 10 minutes!


New Member
Got home, and picked up Glacier, to give him his second dose of Ponazuril.
After dosing.. oooo angry glacier came out to play!

and my second thing- Lily was shedding her eye turrets, and so since she had an eye closed cuz it was bugging her, I placed her in the shower for a few minutes.... after the shower.... she rubbed her head on me to remove her shed!!! THATS never happened before, ive never even seen them rub themselves to remove shed.. and then she rubbed her head on my like a cat!

so heres glacier fired up pix!

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Look at that white coming in when he's mad! Is that the start of red rain I see on his stomach as well.? He's awesome. And thats adorable what lily did. Like six more months and I'll have mine. Give or take. Haha.
lol they look great!! its funny you mention the rubbiing, my veiled "camo" winds himself through my fingers when he is shedding trying to rub it all off. he will do it for minutes on end.
its so cute... ive even seen him reach up and pull off a pc with his foot LoL
thanks! he really is amazing!
and haha... he who shall not be named. Sorry had to say it! and he is turning into a real faly! just sayin. :rollseyes:
Ive never had anyone rub onme, much less rub on cages, and the fact taht she did it, made me fgoooooo awwww. i wish i could have gotten a video of it.
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