U no ? i meen


New Member
Am I just old or does anyone else find it hard to read some of these posts?
What is happening to the English language? Do they still teach kids to spell in school these days?:rolleyes:

Sorry... that's my rant for today!!
Oh my gosh, yes! I'm a young gal myself and I can't stand reading posts without at least basic grammar and generally correct spelling!
I'm at the point now that if it's too hard to read the post I just move on to the next.
At least I know it's not just me!:eek:
Completely agreed!!! My punctuation may not be the best or maybe I am just too lazy but I do know how to spell. I was born and raised in West Virginia, folks. If I can spell you surely can:rolleyes:

On a brighter note. I remember seeing a thread titled "total nub":D I havent been able to get over that one:D:D:D
cuz dis generation juss b so dayumn gangstah nah meen mah doooood

lol, im used to texting, and quick texting on facebook etc.

When I get to school it's like my brain changes.

on here, most if not all get what I am saying, so why bother making it look proper? it's soooo much easier writing with shorter words. not the gangstah talk lol just the quick texting sort of abbr.
I speak in english, english is the language used in this forum, so I write in english. I may abbreviate at times, but if an abbreviation is confusing I won't use it, and will not try to read it if someone writes that way.

Basically, it's rude because it may save you time but it will cause everyone else an inconvenience. That's just selfish.

I'm not an old lady or a young one, but I guess I'm just too old to be down with that sort of thing.
P.S. - Do those "abbreviations" really save anyone any time at all? I think there would be few examples. Here's an abbreviation I will use: Cham. Everyone knows what I'm talking about, and it saves time. It meets my criteria.
Completely agreed!!! My punctuation may not be the best or maybe I am just too lazy but I do know how to spell. I was born and raised in West Virginia, folks. If I can spell you surely can:rolleyes:

On a brighter note. I remember seeing a thread titled "total nub":D I havent been able to get over that one:D:D:D
Do chameleons poop?
CainsChams...I saw that one too and I had to read it about three times to realize that it was not nub but nu-b!

While we're complaining about messages...it also bugs me when someone gives an answer all in one paragraph that is about 50 lines long with no/little punctuation or capital letters and lots of superfluous information as well.
Cain, I normally throw mine against the walls and stuff comes out, I don't know if it's poop (wait I can't say poop! too vulgar) fecal material or brains, etc.

CainsChams...I saw that one too and I had to read it about three times to realize that it was not nub but nu-b!

While we're complaining about messages...it also bugs me when someone gives an answer all in one paragraph that is about 50 lines long with no/little punctuation or capital letters and lots of superfluous information as well.
you mean something like this that takes someone like 20 minutes to type but can't add in the extra five minutes to add periods punctuation and often mispels things two like this right? i don't feel like hitting the enter button either bcuz its too close to a punctuation button and would enter be punctiation or would it b somethin liek an empty space, null and void OH GOD I USED A COMMA AND NOW I AM CAPITALIZING THINGS what is wrong with me anyways like i was saying are enter buttons considered grammer stuff wait does grammer have an e or an i idk lolol it's so funny because im not even sure anyways i like chameleons and geckos and tacos..... hope u had a good day kthxbai!
Cain, I normally throw mine against the walls and stuff comes out, I don't know if it's poop (wait I can't say poop! too vulgar) fecal material or brains, etc.

you mean something like this that takes someone like 20 minutes to type but can't add in the extra five minutes to add periods punctuation and often mispels things two like this right? i don't feel like hitting the enter button either bcuz its too close to a punctuation button and would enter be punctiation or would it b somethin liek an empty space, null and void OH GOD I USED A COMMA AND NOW I AM CAPITALIZING THINGS what is wrong with me anyways like i was saying are enter buttons considered grammer stuff wait does grammer have an e or an i idk lolol it's so funny because im not even sure anyways i like chameleons and geckos and tacos..... hope u had a good day kthxbai!

dfhi edfiheiof wsfiheiof wefiohefio difjh sdfijhdiof :eek:
It amazes me how people will provide cheap excuses to defend lazy garbage grammar and poor communication. I've actually deleted emails from interested buyers, on the odd occasion, when an inquiry was just to painful to read or comprehend. It is simply common courtesy to communicate properly and totally insulting to throw trash grammar and misspelling in any communication. IMHO
I have no problem with errors made by people who don't speak English as a second language making mistakes, BTW...its mostly the laziness I object to.
I won't reply to threads where the first post is a paragraph without a single comma or period. Sometimes you don't even know what you're reading or what they mean so you can't help them.

The abreviations don't even bother me tha much, it's the lack of punctuation that makes it impossible to discypher anything.
I bet peoples spell check completely goes bonkers and eventually dies from insanity:rolleyes: Dont most browsers have spell check as a normal function? Firefox does.
I remember once when I was really tired I typed a whole sentence one letter next to the right letter like this -> ;olr yjos and hit reply and didn't notice until later... hehe
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