Ugh! Dubias!

Miss Lily

Chameleon Enthusiast
Well, today I thought I'd buy Amy some slightly bigger roaches as the ones I had left were too small for her really. They tub them up for you while you wait and I ordered some 'mediums'! OMG!!! They are HHUUGGEE!!! Ugh! Their feet make a nasty scratchy noise on the tub and they just look so yucky, lol! I really need to 'man up' and get on with it, but they make my skin crawl! I had a much too close encounter with a spider the other day so I had a bit of a set back with all things creepy crawly, lol!

If the shop wasn't busy I would have asked for an exchange for smaller ones, lol! Oh well, I guess I'll get used to them!Now I have to transfer them to a bigger tub so I can feed them. Not looking forward to that, lol!:eek: They met with Amy's approval though - she thought Christmas had come early!!:D
lol i have a colony of 100 + next to my bed at the moment and they do make some noise of a night :). How much were they and how many did u get. always seem so expensive. My male don't even like them but my leos and hopefully my new panther will
Think there's 30 or so in the tub. Can't remember how much but they are more expensive than locusts, etc. Tommy won't even look at them, but Amy (miss piglet guts) loves them!
lol my female would of ate them aswell lol. Ive just finished doing a full cleanout and added bubblewrap to sides of my cage to keep in humidity. I offered my male a freshly shed white rach and he loved it:D picky little things
Hey Tiff,,,
at first I had no plans to keep roaches but wanted to have a backup staple. I have about 150ish dubia of all sizes. I can handle the small up to about 3/4" size, I just tell myself that they're roly polys and I can get through it. But let one of those big ones get on me and it gets flung, hopefully back into the bin!!!!!
They are actually less messy and smelly than the crickets. I keep mine in a 10gallon aquarium with a screen top. They used to be in the garage but the ants found them so now they're in the closet with the crickets.

I've just got to get Stanley back interested in them, I don't think that they are wiggly enough for him!!!!
Now Tiff come on you can do it!!!! I know you love Amy so just remember you are doing it for her. I know you don't believe me but you will get used to Dubias. I still can't touch the medium or large ones unless I have on gloves on but I am ok with that. We are all counting on you to be an example for all the wimps on here. hehehe
Just remember they are worth it! You should breed them and save $!

They really creeped me out at first but when I started colonies it seems like having to feed them every other day helped me get over being afraid.

I have 3 different roaches right now and I get excited when I open the lid and see a bunch of nymphs I almost feel proud :D
Hey tiff im trying to breed them :eek: they make my skin crawl tho, my bearded dragon loves them but my cham aint so sure about roaches. She's only ever ate 3 in her whole life, lol. The beardie will eat anything. Time to be a big girl tiff for your Amy and get on with the job. :p
I know how you feel. I got a few dozen a while back and I think they are breeding now. I get grossed out by the bigger ones. I keep mine with some small pieces of egg crate and paper towel tubes. If I need to get one out, I shake a tube so they fall down, and scoop out the size I want with a little paper cup. When it's just one and I don't have to touch it with my hands it's not so bad. The rest go scurry right back under the egg crates. It would probably be easiest to use feeding tongs to grab one.

I am getting used to them. They are still really gross, but I'm getting the heebie-jeebies less and less.
Lily (my first cham) helped cure me of my fear of locusts and crix, and now Amy is going to help me get over the roach thing, lol! Before I had chams I couldn't even pick up a box of crickets or locusts, now I handfeed locusts and don't mind if they get out! They are fun to catch! I know I'll get used to them - it was just a shock when I realised how big mediums are!!:D
Yeah i can deal with the small ones but will eventually force myself to nut up and grab a big daddy. Sucks though cause my chams could care less for them but my beardie gobbles them up like a champ. Glad my money didnt go to waste.
Yeah i can deal with the small ones but will eventually force myself to nut up and grab a big daddy. Sucks though cause my chams could care less for them but my beardie gobbles them up like a champ. Glad my money didnt go to waste.

My cham won't touch them... yet. I guess I can either get him to eat them or buy a beardie. lol.
My cham won't touch them... yet. I guess I can either get him to eat them or buy a beardie. lol.

Put the dubia on its back on a leaf, it will be hard for you chameleon to resist the kicking legs :) That's how I got my guys to eat them at first and now I hand feed them or let them go on the screen and they eagerly gobble them up!

I hate crickets more then any feeder :eek:
At first my baby boy would not eat them, he would stare them down then look at me like "are you serious?" ... he didn't eat for a few days then had no choice but to try one.. now he goes crazy for them, thank god because i have a colony forming, phew! :)

I agree to put one on its back to let its leg flail around and hopefully your cham will notice and try one out, then come over to the darkside
i ordered 50 dubias and they came with two adults, holy cow!! they are huge!!!! and so grosss i cant go in the box to get them becuase it scares me so much :eek: the littler ones are kinda cute and look like rolly polly buggies lol
They are not so bad. I have fed Amy one twice since I got them. They still make me shudder and are too big for my trusty tweezers, so I wait til one gets stuck on it's side and swoop with my tweezers while it's easier to grasp! Before I got my first cham I couldn't even hold a tub of crickets or locusts, so I WILL get over this - I just need to get used to them. I hate the sound of them scuttling around in the tub though! Ugh!
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