Ugh! Dubias!

I love dubias compared to crickets. They just seem hardier to me, and meatier for the critters I'm feeding them to.

I use this cricket keeper with the tubes and just shake one out into the cup for cup-feeding:

Actually the one I have is bigger with 4 tubes but my point is that the tubes make it easy to deal with getting them. I don't know how many critters you have to feed though, if that keeper would be big enough for you. I just have the turtle and Swyft.
They are not so bad i have loads,

i gave loads and loads away for free as they bred loads, i hardly use them might give them away to be honest,

AS only my female will eat them lol, my male will not hand feed, only if a wax worm, so if i put them in his bowl they do not move,, and i would not free range them as they just hide ,he ate a few but loves his locusts and crickets and supers so much more,

And my panther male will only sometimes take them, he is a locust man lol ,

so i have loads and only one cham will aways take them, being my greedy female veiled lol she loves them,
Funny that - my female veiled LOVES them too! Tommy won't even contemplate eating any! Even flipping one on it's back has no effect! Tommy will only eat locusts, silkworms and waxworms. Since I got him back in November last year I have only got him to eat one cricket and one super, he is so picky! He just isn't interested, yet my female scoffs anything and everything I offer her!:rolleyes:
Funny that - my female veiled LOVES them too! Tommy won't even contemplate eating any! Even flipping one on it's back has no effect! Tommy will only eat locusts, silkworms and waxworms. Since I got him back in November last year I have only got him to eat one cricket and one super, he is so picky! He just isn't interested, yet my female scoffs anything and everything I offer her!:rolleyes:

Lol same here she is good at eating any food the others do not want lol,

plus the adults Dubias look to big for my female to eat, My male will sometimes eat them but its so hard to get him to see them, as they just hide in the food bowl and do not move, and free range them they just hide lol,

and if i try and give one to him in my hand he, does not really like it so i don't.
but for what i brought them for they have been well worth it, i have had loads of them, and gave loads away well worth breeding them ,
Lol! On feeding days I offer Tommy something first and if he doesn't want it then I offer it to the dustbin (aka Amy)!:D
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