New Member
My umbrella plant seems to be increasingly showing signs of unhealthiness and I would hate to have it end up like many umbrella plants with 1 little stalk and no leaves. 
A lot of the leaves are curling. Luckily only a few leaves have brown spots on them and I'm not sure if this is normal but the bottom of the stalks are beginning to brown..
So far one stem has lost all it's leaves..I really hope this doesn't continue. I bought the plant from Home Depot not too long ago and I hear they have a really good policy on their plants.. I'd probably feel to bad to return it though.
What is your opinion on my plants condition? Is this a sign of too much watering? Or is it possible not enough watering? I've never watered the plant since I've got it. I let the misting water do the job. It is also in the same pot that I bought it in. I'm thinking it could also be not enough light. The only sunlight it gets, comes from my kitchen window which is about 10 feet away..
Sorry for all the threads I've been posting! (I've been posting a lot!)
A lot of the leaves are curling. Luckily only a few leaves have brown spots on them and I'm not sure if this is normal but the bottom of the stalks are beginning to brown..
So far one stem has lost all it's leaves..I really hope this doesn't continue. I bought the plant from Home Depot not too long ago and I hear they have a really good policy on their plants.. I'd probably feel to bad to return it though.
What is your opinion on my plants condition? Is this a sign of too much watering? Or is it possible not enough watering? I've never watered the plant since I've got it. I let the misting water do the job. It is also in the same pot that I bought it in. I'm thinking it could also be not enough light. The only sunlight it gets, comes from my kitchen window which is about 10 feet away..
Sorry for all the threads I've been posting! (I've been posting a lot!)