Uvb and metal screens

UVB cannot pass through any type of solid objects, but does bounce off surfaces. Depending on the thickness of the weave and the weave ratio of the screen can block anywhere from 20-50% of the UVB.

As BeBoSON said, it isn't much to worry about and as long as you're providing the correct/recommeded amount of calcium with D3 with your feeding which is recommended to be twice a month(every 2 weeks) then your cham should be fine :)
This is true, which is why I opted for getting a higher output UVB light than what is usually recommended to compensate for this because I thought the UV getting through after the screen was pretty mediocre. Plus I take everyone outside for natural sunshine several times a week to fill in any additional gaps.

When in doubt, take them outside! :) Nothing beats sunshine, and the benefits of 20 minutes in the sun can be read in blood tests for up to 2 weeks, said one study (which I regret not printing and saving lol).
Here are some pics showing how screening can block UV light.
You can compare the readings side by side to see percentage wise how much this particular "average" black metal mesh screening cuts down on the UV light readings.

And screening does not absorb UV light.

It just mechanically blocks it the same way the mesh blocks any visible light.

That is to say UV Light behaves just as regular "visible" light does....
If screening blocks(shades) ...say ...20% of the visible light, then it will also block about 20% of the UV light.

I hope that made sense.


PS. If the bulbs are fairly strong (like these Arcadia HO t5's) then screening realy DOES NOT matter much, and is nothing to worry about. Plenty of UV and light would be getting through.
However, with the weaker cheaper bulbs, it would become a factor.
Especially if they are just barely giving enough UV to begin with, then deduct 20 - 35% blocked by screening and its "hello MBD". :eek:


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    12solarmeter and arcadia testing 12.jpg
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  • 2solarmeter and arcadia testing 24.jpg
    2solarmeter and arcadia testing 24.jpg
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