UVB lighting question


Hello everyone! I have a question. But I would first quickly like to give thanks to all who have contributed here bc these forums were a big part of me being able to find answers to my many questions as I am new and I’ve had to learn so much (rather quickly) in order to give my guy the best life possible!🙏🏼 Sincerely, this has been such a great place for me!!! Ok… on to Q’s. 😄

So, I put in a new reptisun 24” T5 HO UVB bulb on Jan 31st. I decided to get a meter and it arrived today. But instead of it reading normal (or high - if not normal), it reads almost zero where he likes to go after basking. It’s about upper/mid cage if looking horizontally, and in front 1/3 of enclosure, if looking vertically. As I went up his branch the highest point, this is the area I was slightly worried about, it’s only 2.5 - 3.0. Unless I’m getting old or bad info, we want our veileds in the 3 zone, right? That top area where it’s “highest” is only about 8” from the fixture/bulb…which is why I thought it could be a little high if it was in upper 3’s or higher. So I’m wondering if this is bad…if so, how bad? I personally like options and I think chams do too. So I figure I need to get him more UVB options. Or am I overly worried and this is this ok since it’s reaching a level 3 - but quickly falls down from there. I actually did move his uvb fixture off immediately! It was on little 1/4” to 1/2” supports, so it’s now a little lower (even if by very slim margins), at least until I get this sorted out.

More info?? Ok…

So, I don’t want to make “a mountain out of a mole hill”, but it is my nature to worry…unfortunately. I’m a mom to 4 wonderful (human😂) kiddos, and I’m sure they’d all be happy to concur! But hey, in my defense, it’s also helped out in MANY situations! So💁🏼‍♀️ Lol But seriously, I don’t want to sit enjoying my every moment with this little guy (who seems more like a sweet little puppy bc he’s so friendly and just loves us so much), without considering the possibility that really it’s just that he doesn’t like his enclosure bc it isn’t giving him what he needs. So, “rabbit hole”, here I come!🙄🤦🏼‍♀️ Although all other signs are fine, I know what some of you are thinking… chams aren’t like this. It’s gotta be the cage. She’s got something off here!… remember I’ve read a lot here 😂 … and maybe I do have something off! That’s why I’m here after all. But… I can tell you his colors are great, I know when he’s calm vs stressed and if ever shows signs of stress (like getting slightly darker - I never would never let it get to anything worse like starting to shut down down due to stress…closing his eyes etc.) we go immediately to his room and he has options. His tree outside his enclosure which he can climb around on (supervised), going back inside his cage, or chilling with me some more, but IN HIS room… whatever he wants to do. He’s just a super sweet, loving, little guy. Idk how old he is exactly, but I figure it plays a pretty big part of his trusting attitude. (And I actually have another theory going on friendly chams, but as broader topic though - maybe another time.) 😅 I’ve actually wanted to post here for weeks, hoping to get your thoughts and guesstimates on his age. But I have health problems and some, like my shoulder, make it very difficult and painful for me to write up posts most times. So I haven’t done it, but I still want to.🤞🏼 Every time I read something age related, like cutting back on food around such and such age, I sure wish I had your collective input on how old he is! Then I’d know when/how to better care for him during all his growth stages. I was told he was maybe~ 2 months when I got him on Jan 15, 2022. She said they’d only had him a week or two, so that would make him about 4 months old now. I actually weigh him every week, so my plan was to get some of my pics of him and put the date and weight on each so you could see and make determinations based on once a week pics over a 2 month period...? Idk if that’s helpful or over doing it? Anyway, this is turning into something else …. Back to the lights and why I wondered…and a little more info for you all…

yes, he’s super sweet and comes out multiple times a day. If one of us goes in his room (he’s in a bedroom and it’s just him and my plants. Real plants…inside and out of his cage.) He usually rushes over begging to be let out. I can stand right next to his enclosure or even put my arm inside of it, (right next to a branch, when I really *need* him to get going, lol) and he won’t get off at times. Sometimes he sits. Sometimes he makes a U turn and comes back towards me. Sometimes he gets off, walks along his enclosure, and does actual chameleon stuff!😂 It all depends on what’s going on, how long he’s been out, if he’s getting cold and wants to warm up, etc., etc. There are soooo many factors really. But truly, I’m pretty certain that for whatever reason, this little guy chose me to be his mom by grabbing my attention - in such a big way. (Another one oops! diff story/diff time.😂😅) ok, getting back on topic… sorry!!!! There’s just so much to share about my little green love bug!💚🦎🥰

Ok, so that’s a little of why I was worried, why I got the meter, and what I found when I measured the UVB. What do you guys think? What would you do? Rush to buy new bulbs and, of course, test them right out of the box? Maybe my almost 2 month old light is already that weak? Or do you say a Ferguson level 3 to 0 range is “ok” for now, since it is actually a 3, where they’re supposed to be right? (but only at its highest point in the cage)? Or, my least favorite option, bc it will most likely encourage screen climbing, giving him another branch option a little higher up. Like an inch or 2… I mean there’s only 8” between him and the lights as it is. Idk But I’m looking forward to seeing what you all have to say. And I’ll be praying I can work this correctly so that I get your responses and respond in kind. Thank you in advance!! And I’m sorry this “should’ve-been-short-question” ended up so lengthy!!😓 or maybe this is the info you need? If not, plz don’t hate me!😅😬🙏🏼🙃 (yes I like emojis. Worrying and emojis. Ugh😓🤦🏼‍♀️)

Thank you so much!
Hi. :) You want a UV Index of around 3.0 at the level where his back will be when he basks. Usually that is about 8-9” down from the light. The uvb does diminish pretty quickly as you get farther away. If you place a basking branch at an angle, with the highest point being at the 3.0 level, your cham can pretty much chose how much uvb he gets. Do make sure to raise your lights off the screen to prevent burns.
Can you post some pics of your enclosure? That may give a little better insight as to if your guy is wanting to come out because he doesn’t like his house. Do keep in mind though that some young chameleons are a bit less shy to even friendly. The majority will outgrow this and become the hissing gaping demon lizards that we love. 🤗 It is possible though that he may remain friendly…building and maintaining trust is key to this. I have a panther cham who desperately wants out just to sit on or climb my arm and stare at me. I keep looking for something wrong with his enclosure, but can’t find anything.🤷‍♀️
So if your little one is around 4 months old, you should be feeding once daily in the morning about 15+/- feeders. Then over time you’ll gradually start reducing the amount and then frequency, so by the time he’s around 10 months or so, he’s getting about 3-4 feeders every other day (plus occasional treats). At around a year old or so, you can further reduce frequency to 3 days a week. Veileds are opportunistic eaters and can very easily become obese.
If you provide some pics of your little guy, maybe we can help figure out approx age…maybe. ;)
I'm not seeing anything wrong with the UVB per se.
What are the dimensions of the enclosure
What kind of screen is the top?

The meter won't register anything unless it's directly under the UVB, and due to the effects of the reflector, it won't be the same everywhere.
There's a caveat that I've found applies to all living things:
They're all different—they're all individuals
So while there may be many similarities, there may also be uniqueness.

Panthers are reputed to be the "friendliest" but there are many examples of "grumpiness" (I have one) and many examples of veileds (the reputed least friendly) being more friendly than some panthers.

Even my Ol' Mr. GrumpyPants will run up my arm when offered because he likes his outings on the Missus' plant table where he can climb higher and look out the window.
Getting him back in his enclosure is another story...:rolleyes:
Thank you so much Miss Skittles and Klyde O’Scope for you replies and input! (And I hope I’m putting this reply in the correct spot so you’ll both see.🤷🏼‍♀️🙈🤞🏼) and I apologize for being a little late getting back. I had such a busy day!

Based on what you’ve said I think I have things on point. At least with UVB lighting… 🤞🏼My biggest concern with this was that he might need more UVB so it mimicked outside, where he could come in and out of the “sun”. But with it dropping off at 3.0 and not allowing for anything more I was worried and started to think about the past 2 months and what those affects could be if that was the case and he’d not been getting enough! I wasn’t thinking of offering anything major, but I thought I’d find 3.5 - 4.0 in his very tip top basking area when I checked with the meter. Idk, I just didn’t expect it to be so low, obviously…, lol, and so the worrying began.😰 My first thought was, “what if I’d (unintentionally) harmed him by not having higher output available?!” Maybe he hasn’t been synthesizing vitamin D during these past two months I’ve had him?! That’s not what anyone wants at any point in time, but definitely not for a little guy going through the period where he’s developing so quickly! After sleeping on things, I realized it’s likely he hasn’t been in danger this whole time, at least not as much as I’d first thought when I didn’t see the meter raise … not even a smidge past 3.0. (maybe I should’ve slept on it first, idk. 😓😅🤦🏼‍♀️ If so, I’m sorry!) I was just so worried. But you can probably guess I’m one of those “better safe than sorry” kind of people.😅 But, I do feel better after reading your posts! Just being able to get second opinions and hear your experienced feedback is so helpful and comforting to my worrisome soul!🙈😅 So thank you very much!🙏🏼🙏🏼

@Klyde O’Scope: Mr GrumpyPants seems like he’s got a great thing going!! (And he’s definitely figured out how to gain access to the places he loves most!🥰 And I agree with you 100% about them each being their own selves! I’ve worked with animals my entire life (but first time for a Cham) and you just can’t put all those marbles (of any species, imo) into one jar! They’re all unique. And sometimes it’s just a matter of helping them “unlock it”… little by little.☺️

@MissSkittles: your baby sounds so sweet too! I could envision him sitting there staring at you! My little guy does that also, and I’ve said so many times (ppl are probably tired of hearing it, lol), but…. Omg, when his two little eyes lock in to mine - at the same time, lol - and he stares right into my eyes …. OMG it MELTS MY HEART! 💚💚💚

I will attach a picture of his enclosure. He even went back in to warm up and investigate the tape measure, lol, so now you can see where he sits under his lamps! Yay! I will add that his enclosure isn’t quite finished … I’m still tweaking it a bit. I’ve just put in a couple places (branch supports) for more plants, but I haven’t finished it yet. Almost. There’s a polka dot plant, another pothos, and 2 vanda orchids going in very soon. As well as a couple of horizontal type branches in those areas. I call it his “super highway system”. Sometimes he takes the back roads and sometimes he takes the one with the fastest path to mom!😂 I actually meant to add my enclosure pic last night, but now I’m kinda glad I forgot bc I was able to put the tape measure in today and get a pic like that. And one close up of his little basking spot/“open jungle area”.😂 I’m hoping that will be helpful, with some kind of reference there. And for anyone who would like to offer advice. I’m all for it!😊 Hopefully the tape measure isn’t too hard to see, or judge where things are, but better than nothing? 🤷🏼‍♀️
Ok, well, that just happened…lol, I may have to post one more pic, lol… He just started walking up my arm (as I am writing this) and locked eyes with me just like we were discussing above!😂 Maybe his ears were burning??🤪🤓😂 (I giggle bc, you know,… they have no external ears💁🏼‍♀️… I know, I’m weird/nerdy like that sometimes,😂😅.) but oh he’s Just so sweeeeet - I can’t stand it!!!💚🦎😂🤷🏼‍♀️

If there is anything else you need - pic or info wise, or anything at all really, just lmk. And of course if you see a mistake anywhere, (I know you’ll say so) but, just so you know, yes, I’m very open to any and all feedback! I’m eager to to make sure he has the best little home I can possibly offer. My prayer is that he’ll be happy and healthy always!🙏🏼

Thank you so much for your feedback!! It means so much to me to have a place where I can ask questions and actually get an answer(s) in return! …and for it to be a place where those answers are from knowledgeable ppl who know what their talking about with Cham’s and this entire hobby, wow!!! What a blessing!! Thank you!🙏🏼


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  1. Dimensions?
  2. In the first 2 pics, he's getting UVB, but probably not the benefit of the reflector due to its orientation. If possible, try to mount his basking branch parallel to and directly under the UVB. Shine the basking light in from the side at an angle. (See diag. below) This will provide basking gradients.
  3. IMO, you still need a plant light. Many use the Sansi 70W for a 24 x 24 x 48 enclosure.
  4. Those colored lights—in fact, no lights whatsoever should be used at night.
  5. Red lights are purportedly bad for chameleons.
raise your lights off the screen to prevent burns
Can anyone tell me how I can simultaneously prevent too much UVB for screen climbers and keep the right UVB level at the highest branch? Do I have to keep the top roof screen right up against the top branch and then raise the light 5-7 inches over that screen?
  1. Dimensions?
  2. In the first 2 pics, he's getting UVB, but probably not the benefit of the reflector due to its orientation. If possible, try to mount his basking branch parallel to and directly under the UVB. Shine the basking light in from the side at an angle. (See diag. below) This will provide basking gradients.
  3. IMO, you still need a plant light. Many use the Sansi 70W for a 24 x 24 x 48 enclosure.
  4. Those colored lights—in fact, no lights whatsoever should be used at night.
  5. Red lights are purportedly bad for chameleons.

Sorry, meant to add that … I t’s a 2x2x4 reptibreeze with a solid, clear front door and screen everywhere else, and dragon ledges have been added on.

The lights are LED’s with a touch sensor- a thing they’ve added to this “deluxe” reptibreeze model (bells and whistles so we’ll spend more money on their already over priced cages🙄). Anyway… the lights are typically on the white w/red setting. The red is actually advertised to be for the plants and help with that… I figured they know about everyone buying grow lights so made a cage to do similar. Idk🤷🏼‍♀️ . Its also the first of 3 options when you touch the sensor, so I went with that. But it also has all white (2nd touch), and all red (3rd touch). I have read some about the red light, so I never turn those on. His lights are 12 hours on/12 hours off - total darkness until the sun comes up.
I’ve thought about a plant light, but I didn’t want to spend money on plants just yet if I still needed more items for him… and they’re all growing well, so I just kinda put it on the back burner and figured all was ok there. Something I didn’t expect, but I was happily surprised with! I’ll take it! Lol So are the plant lights a benefit to the chams also? Not just plants? Or is it just to add additional light to the area? I can definitely get one, if that’s what he needs. I’m trying to make it perfect for him.

Thank you for the visual!! You have no idea how helpful that is for me! I will move his lights tomorrow. I have planned on doing the incandescent light at an angle, so I bought the dome with the clamp, but we are actually re-doing that room, it’s been a process 🙄😓, so I don’t have anything to clip the light to for it to angle like that. I was just saying last night, maybe I can get something that would attach to the wall (without too much mess or repair later) and I could clip to that? I’ve seen screw in circle kind of thing, for plants … but I’m not sure if it would hold it up… so that’s why it’s on top of his cage for now. But I’m grateful for any ideas on how to get it angled for him!
Sorry, meant to add that … I t’s a 2x2x4 reptibreeze with a solid, clear front door and screen everywhere else, and dragon ledges have been added on.

The lights are LED’s with a touch sensor- a thing they’ve added to this “deluxe” reptibreeze model (bells and whistles so we’ll spend more money on their already over priced cages🙄). Anyway… the lights are typically on the white w/red setting. The red is actually advertised to be for the plants and help with that… I figured they know about everyone buying grow lights so made a cage to do similar. Idk🤷🏼‍♀️ . Its also the first of 3 options when you touch the sensor, so I went with that. But it also has all white (2nd touch), and all red (3rd touch). I have read some about the red light, so I never turn those on. His lights are 12 hours on/12 hours off - total darkness until the sun comes up.
I’ve thought about a plant light, but I didn’t want to spend money on plants just yet if I still needed more items for him… and they’re all growing well, so I just kinda put it on the back burner and figured all was ok there. Something I didn’t expect, but I was happily surprised with! I’ll take it! Lol So are the plant lights a benefit to the chams also? Not just plants? Or is it just to add additional light to the area? I can definitely get one, if that’s what he needs. I’m trying to make it perfect for him.

Thank you for the visual!! You have no idea how helpful that is for me! I will move his lights tomorrow. I have planned on doing the incandescent light at an angle, so I bought the dome with the clamp, but we are actually re-doing that room, it’s been a process 🙄😓, so I don’t have anything to clip the light to for it to angle like that. I was just saying last night, maybe I can get something that would attach to the wall (without too much mess or repair later) and I could clip to that? I’ve seen screw in circle kind of thing, for plants … but I’m not sure if it would hold it up… so that’s why it’s on top of his cage for now. But I’m grateful for any ideas on how to get it angled for him!
Maybe I should’ve explained more that the basking light is tilted - as much as I could get it, but yes, it’s still on top of the cage. I have just made that change - the tilt. I’ve gone back & forth as if I should or shouldn’t for awhile. I figured I would do it and just track things for a week to see how it goes. I’m concerned the 100 watt bulb (yep, that’s what it took to get temps correct.🤷🏼‍♀️) would get too hot inside the basking light dome then sitting on the edge of the UVB outer casing/reflector part. You can see in the picture if you zoom in how it’s kinda tilted on that. It’s not much. And maybe an altogether bad idea if it’s going to damage the other lighting. Idk
I’d love to see how others have their lights set up. Especially those with plant lights.😃There’s not a lot of room up there and with things needing specific “reserved” spots, it seems to get overcrowded and they don’t fit or lay right for me….at least not the way I’m doing it. Hence lamp barely tilted.😒 I know it has to be do-able or it would be mentioned all over the place, at least I would imagine🤔 so I’m guessing I just need ideas/instructions/visuals on how ppl with similar enclosures/space to work with have theirs set up.
Can anyone tell me how I can simultaneously prevent too much UVB for screen climbers and keep the right UVB level at the highest branch? Do I have to keep the top roof screen right up against the top branch and then raise the light 5-7 inches over that screen?
Well, you can spend every minute of your day raising and lowering the light according to where your chameleon is. 😁 Sorry, but I had to.
There is no way. I have my basking light elevated well off the screen and have adjusted the bulb wattage to give me my desired basking temp. I have the uvb raised only a couple of inches off the screen and then still have the total distance between the actual uvb light and basking branch at 8-9”. My little screen top climber may get exposed to too much uvb but she doesn’t stay there long enough for me to worry about getting fried. Whereas the heat from the basking bulb will immediately burn her little feet and whatever other part of her may touch the hot screen.
Can anyone tell me how I can simultaneously prevent too much UVB for screen climbers and keep the right UVB level at the highest branch? Do I have to keep the top roof screen right up against the top branch and then raise the light 5-7 inches over that screen?
Having raised a ceiling screen climber, (IOW, IME 😁) IDT it's really much of an issue.

When Ol' Mr. GrumpyPants (OMG... Hmm... never thought of that before... :unsure:) was little, his preferred avenue of traversing the enclosure was via the ceiling, and while he most certainly crossed directly under the UVB, he never basked under it upside down for any significant length of time, so the amount of "over-exposure" he got was minimal—a few minutes at most.

If we think of it like a sunburn (which it essentially is); most folks can spend a few minutes under direct sunlight (taking out the trash, getting the mail, etc.) without getting a burn (or much of one); it's usually when one spends a much longer time (e.g. sunbathing, driving with an arm out the window, etc.) that the exposure becomes a problem.

I've always had my UVB and plant lights mounted less than an inch above the screen; never had any problems with burns or even a hot screen.
Sorry, meant to add that … I t’s a 2x2x4
The lights are LED’s with a touch sensor- a thing they’ve added to this “deluxe” reptibreeze model (bells and whistles so we’ll spend more money on their already over priced cages🙄). Anyway… the lights are typically on the white w/red setting. The red is actually advertised to be for the plants and help with that… I figured they know about everyone buying grow lights so made a cage to do similar. Idk🤷🏼‍♀️ . Its also the first of 3 options when you touch the sensor, so I went with that. But it also has all white (2nd touch), and all red (3rd touch). I have read some about the red light, so I never turn those on. His lights are 12 hours on/12 hours off - total darkness until the sun comes up.
I'm familiar with the enclosure. I agree, bells & whistles that add to cost but not utility.
The LEDs aren't bright enough for plant lights except at the very top. To reach down into the nether regions of the enclosure—especially after the plants have filled in some—additional plant light will be required. Even then it helps to put some thought into plant placement, 'full-sun' plants nearer the top and 'shade-lovers' near the bottom.

I’ve thought about a plant light, but I didn’t want to spend money on plants just yet if I still needed more items for him… and they’re all growing well, so I just kinda put it on the back burner and figured all was ok there. Something I didn’t expect, but I was happily surprised with! I’ll take it! Lol So are the plant lights a benefit to the chams also? Not just plants? Or is it just to add additional light to the area? I can definitely get one, if that’s what he needs. I’m trying to make it perfect for him.
Plant lights are for plants; that's why they're called... :)
Basking & UVB are for the chameleon.
Earlier you said, "I’m one of those 'better safe than sorry' kind of people."
JMO—I'd only use the 'all white' option.

Thank you for the visual!! You have no idea how helpful that is for me! I will move his lights tomorrow. I have planned on doing the incandescent light at an angle, so I bought the dome with the clamp, but we are actually re-doing that room, it’s been a process 🙄😓, so I don’t have anything to clip the light to for it to angle like that. I was just saying last night, maybe I can get something that would attach to the wall (without too much mess or repair later) and I could clip to that? I’ve seen screw in circle kind of thing, for plants … but I’m not sure if it would hold it up… so that’s why it’s on top of his cage for now. But I’m grateful for any ideas on how to get it angled for him!
Mine is actually situated with the lower side on the enclosure frame and the raised side resting on the plant light frame.

ET makes a bracket in a couple of sizes, but a lightweight piece of aluminum angle can be screwed or zip-tied vertically to the frame to accomplish prety much the same. For that matter, a piece of scrap wood would do.

I got a little fancier with my Missus' tortoise table. The same kind of adjustable apparatus can be modified for the top of a chameleon enclosure. (Clamps are temporary) The UVB is mounted on the underside of the long flat 1 x 6 board, and that's wide enough that clamp lights can be attached to either side of the T5 UVB fixture without interfering.

For her tortoise, she uses one clamp light for basking, and another for a supplemental plant light.
Maybe I should’ve explained more that the basking light is tilted - as much as I could get it, but yes, it’s still on top of the cage. I have just made that change - the tilt. I’ve gone back & forth as if I should or shouldn’t for awhile. I figured I would do it and just track things for a week to see how it goes. I’m concerned the 100 watt bulb (yep, that’s what it took to get temps correct.🤷🏼‍♀️) would get too hot inside the basking light dome then sitting on the edge of the UVB outer casing/reflector part. You can see in the picture if you zoom in how it’s kinda tilted on that. It’s not much. And maybe an altogether bad idea if it’s going to damage the other lighting. Idk
As long as you stay within the rated wattage of the fixture (Most I've seen are rated for 150W, but I've seen a few that were lower) you should be OK, but yes, I'd want to get it off the screen—even if just an inch.

I’d love to see how others have their lights set up. Especially those with plant lights.😃There’s not a lot of room up there and with things needing specific “reserved” spots, it seems to get overcrowded and they don’t fit or lay right for me….at least not the way I’m doing it. Hence lamp barely tilted.😒 I know it has to be do-able or it would be mentioned all over the place, at least I would imagine🤔 so I’m guessing I just need ideas/instructions/visuals on how ppl with similar enclosures/space to work with have theirs set up.
I've got a couple examples here:
but there are plenty of other good ways as well.
I recommend starting with the UVB or plant light (or try each way), and then fit the others in. You may have to do some rearranging of plants & branches, but better to do it now while setting up than later when there's a scaly occupant that thinks you're going to EAT him (they all do at first 🤷‍♂️ ).

I'm familiar with the enclosure. I agree, bells & whistles that add to cost but not utility.
The LEDs aren't bright enough for plant lights except at the very top. To reach down into the nether regions of the enclosure—especially after the plants have filled in some—additional plant light will be required. Even then it helps to put some thought into plant placement, 'full-sun' plants nearer the top and 'shade-lovers' near the bottom.

Plant lights are for plants; that's why they're called... :)
Basking & UVB are for the chameleon.
Earlier you said, "I’m one of those 'better safe than sorry' kind of people."
JMO—I'd only use the 'all white' option.

Mine is actually situated with the lower side on the enclosure frame and the raised side resting on the plant light frame.

ET makes a bracket in a couple of sizes, but a lightweight piece of aluminum angle can be screwed or zip-tied vertically to the frame to accomplish prety much the same. For that matter, a piece of scrap wood would do.

I got a little fancier with my Missus' tortoise table. The same kind of adjustable apparatus can be modified for the top of a chameleon enclosure. (Clamps are temporary) The UVB is mounted on the underside of the long flat 1 x 6 board, and that's wide enough that clamp lights can be attached to either side of the T5 UVB fixture without interfering.
View attachment 322303
For her tortoise, she uses one clamp light for basking, and another for a supplemental plant light.
I don’t know how to clip pieces out of the posts & replies yet… that would be so much easier for answering…. So I apologize, mine won’t be fancy…but I hope I can answer concisely without getting confusing.😊🤞🏼

“Plant lights are for plants” … 🗣 “Hey dummy, it’s right there in the name!” … this actually made me lol when I read your words!😂🤣 yes, you’re correct! Lol, so maybe a little clarification on what I meant?😅 does the additional of (any) bright light help them? (Again, I’m thinking options for them.) Have we any evidence it makes them happier or more comfortable? (I know… “anyone taken a poll lately asking their Cham how they feel about their lighting options?” I mean, mine is always willing to share his thoughts, how about yours? 🤷🏼‍♀️😂) but really, is there any evidence or theories, or “strong generalized thoughts” in the overall community that maybe we should add this lighting (plant lights), or is it strictly for our plants & maybe a little bit of our own sanity in helping keep plants alive in there?

I just wondered if it maybe made them feel more comfortable? For instance, I started leaving the bedroom light on where his enclosure is located. Doesn’t add a lot, but I figure it brightens it more than with it off so I do it. Why? Bc it’s daytime.💁🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ Something along those lines I guess. This may just be me getting too off course about the little details? Idk

Right again with the better safe than sorry. Red lights didn’t go on this morning thanks to your post. Only all white from here on. I get caught up in the “marketing” at times and although I’m smarter than that and know better, I do this thing where I’m like, “buuuut what if it did work!??”🤔🤔🤔👀 and then things like this come up and I feel dumb for thinking it in the first place… and see how I let the more important things fall to the back bc I wondered about someone’s advertised claims and if it could be true … let’s test…?! Ugh… or worse, pray I didn’t cause any harm!🙆🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ So I’m going to have to buckle down and watch out for those stupid tendencies I have. I’ll do better! Especially where he’s involved!!

Wow, I was basically like this 🤦🏼‍♀️ the entire time I read your post! Lol (which means I needed to hear it, so a big thank you from me!!)🙏🏼🙏 so aluminum on the corner! Duh!!! Why didn’t I think of that?! Well, prob bc I don’t work with it, nor did I know what it was called, but dang it, I should’ve visualized something like that and walked the isles of Home Depot until it hit me! I’m slacking!!😓smh

Wow!! That’s quite the lucky missus!!! (And tortoise too!😉) I only wish I could do woodworking like that! Maybe someday?🤔🤷🏼‍♀️

Thank you so much for your help!! So now I guess I need some aluminum angle … and maybe a sansi light? Thank you!! You’ve been a great help and also given me some laughs…always happy surprises!☺️ Thanks again!

Ugh… I just had a thought. Yep, already thinking of my next concern… about moving the light. (But I’ll do my own tests first and then post (if I’m right and run into an issue).👍🏼 Have a good one!☺️
Can anyone tell me how I can simultaneously prevent too much UVB for screen climbers and keep the right UVB level at the highest branch? Do I have to keep the top roof screen right up against the top branch and then raise the light 5-7 inches over that screen?
With most species 3 uvi being recommended and 6 uvi being max... You raise a single bulb T5HO fixture with a 5.0 or 6% bulb 4 measured inches off the screen. Then basking branch would be 5 inches below the screen. So that you have a total distance of 9 measured inches from the bottom of the fixture to the top of the branch. This puts the screen at a 6 UVI and the branch where the cham rises up at a 3 UVI.
As long as you stay within the rated wattage of the fixture (Most I've seen are rated for 150W, but I've seen a few that were lower) you should be OK, but yes, I'd want to get it off the screen—even if just an inch.

I've got a couple examples here:
but there are plenty of other good ways as well.
I recommend starting with the UVB or plant light (or try each way), and then fit the others in. You may have to do some rearranging of plants & branches, but better to do it now while setting up than later when there's a scaly occupant that thinks you're going to EAT him (they all do at first 🤷‍♂️ ).
Thank you! I actually took a screen shot of that picture when I first started looking around the forums…I thought it was such a great idea! I didn’t have the name associated with who made it though, just the SS I took. Now I know! Nice work! I’ll play around with the lights over the next few days and also see about looking up the dimensions of the one plant light you recommended…get my gears working and take some measurements and then report back.😉👍🏼
I don’t know how to clip pieces out of the posts & replies yet… that would be so much easier for answering…. So I apologize, mine won’t be fancy…but I hope I can answer concisely without getting confusing.😊🤞🏼
I just put the cursor at the end of a paragraph and hit Enter/Return. The editor will put a break in the right place. You can try it without posting a reply, and there's an Undo button on the editor tool bar.
“Plant lights are for plants” … 🗣 “Hey dummy, it’s right there in the name!” … this actually made me lol when I read your words!😂🤣 yes, you’re correct! Lol, so maybe a little clarification on what I meant?😅 does the additional of (any) bright light help them? (Again, I’m thinking options for them.) Have we any evidence it makes them happier or more comfortable? (I know… “anyone taken a poll lately asking their Cham how they feel about their lighting options?” I mean, mine is always willing to share his thoughts, how about yours? 🤷🏼‍♀️😂) but really, is there any evidence or theories, or “strong generalized thoughts” in the overall community that maybe we should add this lighting (plant lights), or is it strictly for our plants & maybe a little bit of our own sanity in helping keep plants alive in there?
Sorry about that; I must have been typing faster than I was thinking. :oops:

The whole of the enclosure (lights, plants, etc.) is a 'system' that tries to simulate (as best we can) the chameleons' natural habitat. In the system, one thing can affect one or more other things.
  1. Chameleons are diurnal; they're wired for daylight—not darkness.
  2. Plant lights keep the plants healthy & growing.
  3. More foliage makes the chameleon feel more comfortable/secure with less stress, helping them stay healthy.
  4. More plants/foliage help maintain humidity, and...
  5. IMO looks nicer. :)
If you're asking if a dark enclosure causes a chameleon to become depressed, IDK of any studies....
Hold da phone... apparently there are some studies!
I haven't read these yet, but they're now on my list.

I just wondered if it maybe made them feel more comfortable? For instance, I started leaving the bedroom light on where his enclosure is located. Doesn’t add a lot, but I figure it brightens it more than with it off so I do it. Why? Bc it’s daytime.💁🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ Something along those lines I guess. This may just be me getting too off course about the little details? Idk
Sounds like what I was trying to say. Just... no lights at night, whatsoever.

Right again with the better safe than sorry. Red lights didn’t go on this morning thanks to your post. Only all white from here on. I get caught up in the “marketing” at times and although I’m smarter than that and know better, I do this thing where I’m like, “buuuut what if it did work!??”🤔🤔🤔👀 and then things like this come up and I feel dumb for thinking it in the first place… and see how I let the more important things fall to the back bc I wondered about someone’s advertised claims and if it could be true … let’s test…?! Ugh… or worse, pray I didn’t cause any harm!🙆🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ So I’m going to have to buckle down and watch out for those stupid tendencies I have. I’ll do better! Especially where he’s involved!!
Don't feel dumb. We all started knowing less than we do, and we're here to learn from each other.

Wow, I was basically like this 🤦🏼‍♀️ the entire time I read your post! Lol (which means I needed to hear it, so a big thank you from me!!)🙏🏼🙏 so aluminum on the corner! Duh!!! Why didn’t I think of that?! Well, prob bc I don’t work with it, nor did I know what it was called, but dang it, I should’ve visualized something like that and walked the isles of Home Depot until it hit me! I’m slacking!!😓smh
We all have our individual experiences to draw upon. I'm a lifelong designer/tinkerer/problem solver. My Missus is into her plants, crafty/sewing stuff, computer tech, and process improvement.
Everyone here has some skills, experience, education, whatever that they bring to the table (forum).
I have no doubts that you have some strengths, talent, expertise, etc. that will contribute once you're up to speed. ;)

Wow!! That’s quite the lucky missus!!! (And tortoise too!😉) I only wish I could do woodworking like that! Maybe someday?🤔🤷🏼‍♀️
How does the proverb go?... Necessity is the mother of invention. (And all of its derivatives.)
I learned a lot from YT vids.

Thank you so much for your help!! So now I guess I need some aluminum angle … and maybe a sansi light? Thank you!! You’ve been a great help and also given me some laughs…always happy surprises!☺️ Thanks again!
Arnold Schwarzenegger No Prob GIF
I just put the cursor at the end of a paragraph and hit Enter/Return. The editor will put a break in the right place. You can try it without posting a reply, and there's an Undo button on the editor tool bar.
Hey, look at me!😂😂 I never would’ve thought to put the cursor in the previous post like that! Thx
Sorry about that; I must have been typing faster than I was thinking. :oops:
All good! Like I said, it just gave me a chuckle and a “omg 🤦🏼‍♀️“ type moment. Lol
The whole of the enclosure (lights, plants, etc.) is a 'system' that tries to simulate (as best we can) the chameleons' natural habitat. In the system, one thing can affect one or more other things.
  1. Chameleons are diurnal; they're wired for daylight—not darkness.
  2. Plant lights keep the plants healthy & growing.
  3. More foliage makes the chameleon feel more comfortable/secure with less stress, helping them stay healthy.
  4. More plants/foliage help maintain humidity, and...
  5. IMO looks nicer. :)
If you're asking if a dark enclosure causes a chameleon to become depressed, IDK of any studies....
Hold da phone... apparently there are some studies!
I haven't read these yet, but they're now on my list.

Sounds like what I was trying to say. Just... no lights at night, whatsoever.
Off to read these links now. Thanks for sharing. I spent hours last night reading about light wavelengths and differences between what we use as “led grow bulbs” and “red lights” and “full spectrum”, etc.. it’s a lot for me to process atm….but hey? at least it has colorful charts?💁🏼‍♀️😅
Don't feel dumb. We all started knowing less than we do, and we're here to learn from each other.
Appreciate it! I can get frustrated with myself when I get “carried away” with information overload. Then I look back or finally “take a breath” and the answer is right there if I’d just slow down…. Or open my eyes! It kind of reminds me of the saying, “can’t see the forest for the trees…” something like that? Tbh, I never understood that saying until I was older and actually experienced that kind of thing. Then I was like OHHHH OK, yeah, I guess that saying does make sense after all! 🤣🤣🤣 Yeah, that’s me at times. Smh.😓💁🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ So thank you for being patient with me and so kind with your help!🙏🏼
We all have our individual experiences to draw upon. I'm a lifelong designer/tinkerer/problem solver. My Missus is into her plants, crafty/sewing stuff, computer tech, and process improvement.
Everyone here has some skills, experience, education, whatever that they bring to the table (forum).
I have no doubts that you have some strengths, talent, expertise, etc. that will contribute once you're up to speed. ;)

How does the proverb go?... Necessity is the mother of invention. (And all of its derivatives.)
I learned a lot from YT vids.
Love it! 😊
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