Hello everyone! I have a question. But I would first quickly like to give thanks to all who have contributed here bc these forums were a big part of me being able to find answers to my many questions as I am new and I’ve had to learn so much (rather quickly) in order to give my guy the best life possible!
Sincerely, this has been such a great place for me!!! Ok… on to Q’s. 
So, I put in a new reptisun 24” T5 HO UVB bulb on Jan 31st. I decided to get a meter and it arrived today. But instead of it reading normal (or high - if not normal), it reads almost zero where he likes to go after basking. It’s about upper/mid cage if looking horizontally, and in front 1/3 of enclosure, if looking vertically. As I went up his branch the highest point, this is the area I was slightly worried about, it’s only 2.5 - 3.0. Unless I’m getting old or bad info, we want our veileds in the 3 zone, right? That top area where it’s “highest” is only about 8” from the fixture/bulb…which is why I thought it could be a little high if it was in upper 3’s or higher. So I’m wondering if this is bad…if so, how bad? I personally like options and I think chams do too. So I figure I need to get him more UVB options. Or am I overly worried and this is this ok since it’s reaching a level 3 - but quickly falls down from there. I actually did move his uvb fixture off immediately! It was on little 1/4” to 1/2” supports, so it’s now a little lower (even if by very slim margins), at least until I get this sorted out.
More info?? Ok…
So, I don’t want to make “a mountain out of a mole hill”, but it is my nature to worry…unfortunately. I’m a mom to 4 wonderful (human
) kiddos, and I’m sure they’d all be happy to concur! But hey, in my defense, it’s also helped out in MANY situations! So
Lol But seriously, I don’t want to sit enjoying my every moment with this little guy (who seems more like a sweet little puppy bc he’s so friendly and just loves us so much), without considering the possibility that really it’s just that he doesn’t like his enclosure bc it isn’t giving him what he needs. So, “rabbit hole”, here I come!
Although all other signs are fine, I know what some of you are thinking… chams aren’t like this. It’s gotta be the cage. She’s got something off here!… remember I’ve read a lot here
… and maybe I do have something off! That’s why I’m here after all. But… I can tell you his colors are great, I know when he’s calm vs stressed and if ever shows signs of stress (like getting slightly darker - I never would never let it get to anything worse like starting to shut down down due to stress…closing his eyes etc.) we go immediately to his room and he has options. His tree outside his enclosure which he can climb around on (supervised), going back inside his cage, or chilling with me some more, but IN HIS room… whatever he wants to do. He’s just a super sweet, loving, little guy. Idk how old he is exactly, but I figure it plays a pretty big part of his trusting attitude. (And I actually have another theory going on friendly chams, but as broader topic though - maybe another time.)
I’ve actually wanted to post here for weeks, hoping to get your thoughts and guesstimates on his age. But I have health problems and some, like my shoulder, make it very difficult and painful for me to write up posts most times. So I haven’t done it, but I still want to.
Every time I read something age related, like cutting back on food around such and such age, I sure wish I had your collective input on how old he is! Then I’d know when/how to better care for him during all his growth stages. I was told he was maybe~ 2 months when I got him on Jan 15, 2022. She said they’d only had him a week or two, so that would make him about 4 months old now. I actually weigh him every week, so my plan was to get some of my pics of him and put the date and weight on each so you could see and make determinations based on once a week pics over a 2 month period...? Idk if that’s helpful or over doing it? Anyway, this is turning into something else …. Back to the lights and why I wondered…and a little more info for you all…
yes, he’s super sweet and comes out multiple times a day. If one of us goes in his room (he’s in a bedroom and it’s just him and my plants. Real plants…inside and out of his cage.) He usually rushes over begging to be let out. I can stand right next to his enclosure or even put my arm inside of it, (right next to a branch, when I really *need* him to get going, lol) and he won’t get off at times. Sometimes he sits. Sometimes he makes a U turn and comes back towards me. Sometimes he gets off, walks along his enclosure, and does actual chameleon stuff!
It all depends on what’s going on, how long he’s been out, if he’s getting cold and wants to warm up, etc., etc. There are soooo many factors really. But truly, I’m pretty certain that for whatever reason, this little guy chose me to be his mom by grabbing my attention - in such a big way. (Another one oops! diff story/diff time.
) ok, getting back on topic… sorry!!!! There’s just so much to share about my little green love bug!

Ok, so that’s a little of why I was worried, why I got the meter, and what I found when I measured the UVB. What do you guys think? What would you do? Rush to buy new bulbs and, of course, test them right out of the box? Maybe my almost 2 month old light is already that weak? Or do you say a Ferguson level 3 to 0 range is “ok” for now, since it is actually a 3, where they’re supposed to be right? (but only at its highest point in the cage)? Or, my least favorite option, bc it will most likely encourage screen climbing, giving him another branch option a little higher up. Like an inch or 2… I mean there’s only 8” between him and the lights as it is. Idk But I’m looking forward to seeing what you all have to say. And I’ll be praying I can work this correctly so that I get your responses and respond in kind. Thank you in advance!! And I’m sorry this “should’ve-been-short-question” ended up so lengthy!!
or maybe this is the info you need? If not, plz don’t hate me!

(yes I like emojis. Worrying and emojis. Ugh
Thank you so much!

So, I put in a new reptisun 24” T5 HO UVB bulb on Jan 31st. I decided to get a meter and it arrived today. But instead of it reading normal (or high - if not normal), it reads almost zero where he likes to go after basking. It’s about upper/mid cage if looking horizontally, and in front 1/3 of enclosure, if looking vertically. As I went up his branch the highest point, this is the area I was slightly worried about, it’s only 2.5 - 3.0. Unless I’m getting old or bad info, we want our veileds in the 3 zone, right? That top area where it’s “highest” is only about 8” from the fixture/bulb…which is why I thought it could be a little high if it was in upper 3’s or higher. So I’m wondering if this is bad…if so, how bad? I personally like options and I think chams do too. So I figure I need to get him more UVB options. Or am I overly worried and this is this ok since it’s reaching a level 3 - but quickly falls down from there. I actually did move his uvb fixture off immediately! It was on little 1/4” to 1/2” supports, so it’s now a little lower (even if by very slim margins), at least until I get this sorted out.
More info?? Ok…
So, I don’t want to make “a mountain out of a mole hill”, but it is my nature to worry…unfortunately. I’m a mom to 4 wonderful (human

yes, he’s super sweet and comes out multiple times a day. If one of us goes in his room (he’s in a bedroom and it’s just him and my plants. Real plants…inside and out of his cage.) He usually rushes over begging to be let out. I can stand right next to his enclosure or even put my arm inside of it, (right next to a branch, when I really *need* him to get going, lol) and he won’t get off at times. Sometimes he sits. Sometimes he makes a U turn and comes back towards me. Sometimes he gets off, walks along his enclosure, and does actual chameleon stuff!

Ok, so that’s a little of why I was worried, why I got the meter, and what I found when I measured the UVB. What do you guys think? What would you do? Rush to buy new bulbs and, of course, test them right out of the box? Maybe my almost 2 month old light is already that weak? Or do you say a Ferguson level 3 to 0 range is “ok” for now, since it is actually a 3, where they’re supposed to be right? (but only at its highest point in the cage)? Or, my least favorite option, bc it will most likely encourage screen climbing, giving him another branch option a little higher up. Like an inch or 2… I mean there’s only 8” between him and the lights as it is. Idk But I’m looking forward to seeing what you all have to say. And I’ll be praying I can work this correctly so that I get your responses and respond in kind. Thank you in advance!! And I’m sorry this “should’ve-been-short-question” ended up so lengthy!!

Thank you so much!