UVB Meter?


New Member
Ever since Kermit was diagnosed with MBD, I no longer trust the UVB bulbs. I bought them from my local petstore. They are only three months old. I was going to buy new the other day but not sure that new ones would be better. I have 4 enclosures and I thought it would probaly be better for me to buy a meter. I have heard people on hear talk about them. I was just wondering if there was a good brand or place to get one. Also I wasn't sure what levels of UVB to even make sure that I have. Any answers would be appriciated.
Wow! They are pretty expensive! I might have to save to get one. The vet bills for calcium shots make it seem worthwhile though. I bought new UVB bulbs for him but the ones I bought before were new too. I only got those in March. They might be still good. Now I don't trust them. I might be good to make sure that most of the enclosure has high levels too.
Did you have any covers on the fixture? as in... plastic or glass tha the light mst travel through before reaching the animals? UVB does not travel through glass or plastic and the level of UVB is cut down depending on the type of screen your cage is made of. Dense screen will block almost 50% of the UVB rays.

search the forum for a thred called 'some readings'. It is a thread I made that shows the different types of readings you can get depending on screen, no screen, relector and no reflector.
Sarah, This is the one we use and it's cheaper on eBay. It's worth every penny. My daughter bought a 5.0 and put it in and tested, re-tested and even tried several different fixtures and a new bulb was not putting out any UVB at all. The company replaced it but if she'd not had a meter her cham would have went for 6 months with no UVB, until she changed it the next time. http://cgi.ebay.com/Solarmeter-UV-M...323?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1c1937374b
Sarah, This is the one we use and it's cheaper on eBay. It's worth every penny. My daughter bought a 5.0 and put it in and tested, re-tested and even tried several different fixtures and a new bulb was not putting out any UVB at all. The company replaced it but if she'd not had a meter her cham would have went for 6 months with no UVB, until she changed it the next time. http://cgi.ebay.com/Solarmeter-UV-M...323?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1c1937374b

just a fyi the same meter is acctually 1 dollar cheaper at lightyourreptiles

Did you have any covers on the fixture? as in... plastic or glass tha the light mst travel through before reaching the animals? UVB does not travel through glass or plastic and the level of UVB is cut down depending on the type of screen your cage is made of. Dense screen will block almost 50% of the UVB rays.

search the forum for a thred called 'some readings'. It is a thread I made that shows the different types of readings you can get depending on screen, no screen, relector and no reflector.

I did not have a cover on the bulb. It is alum. screen. The squares are pretty small. The fixture doesn't have a reflector on it, but I will do search and for the thread. Thanks everyone.
UVB meters are indeed pretty expensive, but can make you save a lot of money when you have a few chameleons! Here, i have a few bulbs that are approximatively one year old, and are still irradiating a very good amount of UVBs. This means i already saved a few hundred dollars, which i couldn't have if i didn't have the solarmeter UVB reader! :)

It also helps me a lot when i'm making a new enclosure. With this meter, I can know for sure if the amount of UVBs is too low, enough or too much, and therefore I can adujst the enclosure and lighting properly!
After all of this trouble with my poor veiled chameleon. I don't think it's too much. I wish they were alittle more affordable. That way more people would buy them to check for sure.
.. I don't think it's too much. I wish they were a little more affordable...
Howdy Sarah,

Don't forget, they hold their resale value a lot better than last year's cell phone :eek:. I still have my Solarmeter 6.2. I bought it many, many years ago and have put it to good use, not only with my own lights but on a dozen housecalls too :).
Dave, what is the diff between the 6.2 and 6.5?
Thank you, anne
Howdy Anne,

The model 6.2 displays in uW/cm2 (microwatts per square centimeter) the amount of UVB hitting the sensor. You can use this value to determine if an already known-to-be safe UVB source (ex: ZooMed Reptisun 5.0 linear tube) is still outputting an effective level of UVB. For example, you might position your Reptisun linear tube to be producing 50uW/cm2 at the basking spot. 3 months later, you might notice that the tube is only delivering 40uW/cm2. You might then reposition it a few inches closer and once again get a reading of 50uW/cm2. After a year you might find that you can't position it close enough to deliver your desired level -- time to buy a new tube :).

The model 6.5 displays UV Index values. A 6.5 and a 6.2 together, can tell you more about the actual quality of the UVB that you are getting from a particular source. If you already have a known-to-be safe model tube then it's not so important to know more than just the actual uW/cm2 output level and less important to know something about its spectral content.

If you plan on buying UVB lamps with questionable safety issues then buy both meters together and read-up on posts on the UVB Meter Owners Group Yahoo site :).

Dave, thank you for such an indepth, but easy to understand response.
It is probably the one piece of equipment I don't have, but since im dealing with a new addition that came to me with mbd, I believe the meter will further help me to help him bounce back.
thank you again, anne
Dave ever since you told me what to get, I love my meter. I have even shared it with a friend by mailing it back and forth. My friend here in town, who has 2 chams (one is a luie & camille baby) counts on my meter for his chams also. Money very well spent!!!. I really like having a new sponsor carry them at such a good price. I just hope more people will get them.
Solarmeter price break.

After all of this trouble with my poor veiled chameleon. I don't think it's too much. I wish they were alittle more affordable. That way more people would buy them to check for sure.

Greetings, this is Todd from www.LightYourReptiles.com
I am flattered I was mentioned here in this thread.:p

Solarmeter 6.2's ARE a very valuable tool in herp husbandry.
And I understand that they are expensive.
Especially now when everyone has tightened their belts, so to speak.

But I believe it is important to try to make this product as affordable as possible because the health and success of peoples pets are at stake.

In response to this forums interest, I can do this through the end of the month (6/11).
I hope it helps:
Sincerely, Todd
(I will do a proper ad in the classifieds...so I don't get in too much trouble for high-jacking a thread. :eek:)
Wow Todd!, that is a generous savings you are offering forum members.
I for one am definitely taking advantage of this, especially since bulbs I recently aquired I can't trust for accuracy, and I am looking to replace them. But im going to order this first, then purchase all my bulbs from you as well.
thank you again, anne

I am so there with you and what you are going thru, although you have had your baby longer.
I am sorry for what this is putting you through and Kermit. I hope he pulls through, it sounds like you are doing your very best for him
Greetings, this is Todd from www.LightYourReptiles.com
I am flattered I was mentioned here in this thread.:p

Solarmeter 6.2's ARE a very valuable tool in herp husbandry.
And I understand that they are expensive.
Especially now when everyone has tightened their belts, so to speak.

But I believe it is important to try to make this product as affordable as possible because the health and success of peoples pets are at stake.

In response to this forums interest, I can do this through the end of the month (6/11).
I hope it helps:
Sincerely, Todd
(I will do a proper ad in the classifieds...so I don't get in too much trouble for high-jacking a thread. :eek:)

thanks for doing this...i believe i will have to get myself an early birthday present now haha
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