Veiled Cannot Eat

In the pictures there is only one thing that I can see that might not be right...the lips are separated on the first one...are they normally like that? Or is it just that the gular pouch is expanded so much?

Could you post clear pictures of all your chameleons from the side?

I'd like to see you get all the issues with your chameleons sorted out so that you have healthy ones.
first pic is lucky ,do you mean the tip of her mouth looks open a little thats because she was open and closing her mouth.shes very dark also. and in sonics pics his eyes are sunken.the vitamin absence of vit D has destroyed the process of asimlilating calcium ,i thought it was a calcium deficiency so i was giving them calium at first but vit D was the problem,the good news is i have enough vit.A and D to inject ALL OF THEM if i need to.sonic and lucky are already being injected weekly.peachy and baby are to small for these shots so i got vit A gel 8,000iu i can dilute it for the smaller ones. and just give the bigger chams 1 drop every 2 weeks. i just got some vit D drops,these drops i beleive are very potent and i can give them to them through their and peachy will get a half a drop of vitamin D.
PEACHIES should issue dont seem to bother her so for the time being shes ok but im making a appointment for her tomorow for sometime within the next 2 weeks.i also have a digital gram scale so i can start getting accurate wieghts for them.sonic eats crickets from my fingers but he wont eat them on his own.this situation got me looking at other potential issues that might be problems later.i am re-routing the drainage directly to the drain.and i just got a more accurate water heater for the mist system.
Are those all fake plants? If so, that might be part of your dehydration problem. The fake plants don't hold the water for them to lick off. It just runs off.

Just a thought.
they are fake ,i have a mixture of real and fake plants.the real ones are on the bottom of the cages.
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